Better Late Than Never

January 20, 2017    

Better Late Than Never
Better Late Than Never
 It is better to do a thing belatedly than regretting for having failed to do it in time, thinking that it can’t be done again. Many times in life we either don’t get the opportunity or we miss the opportunity. During such times we should not worry about the lost opportunities but instead we should try to continue doing the job. This tells that no should feel failure in doing something in time. Though it is late when he acts with all the vigor he can reap the success, for time is not a barrier for a talented man. The most important thing is the person should have willingness to do certain thing. If he has the willingness even time will not be a constraint for him. 

Better pay the cook than the doctor.
We should pay the cook to prepare a nutritious and hygienic food. If we do not do so the cook will not prepare a proper food and so we will not get a well cooked food and so we will fall ill and end up paying money to the doctor to get the illness cured caused by eating the ill cooked food.
          From that whenever we have a problem we should address the root core of the problem rather than the superficial clement of the problem.

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Better Late Than Never 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 20, 2017 Better Late Than Never   It is better to do a thing belatedly than regretting for having failed to do it in time, thinking that it can’t b...

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