Hello, Greetings of the day!!
- http://www.sscadda.com/2016/12/rrb-ntpc-mains-exam-pattern-syllabus.html
Dear Students! finally, After a long wait, RRB has declared the result of Tier-I exam. Now All of you need to focus on MAINS Exam. The date(s) of 2nd stage CBT shall be published on RRB’s website in due course, but you should not wait for the dates, start preparing for the Mains exam today onwards. At SSC ADDA, we will cover all the Topics and will make quizzes based on it. We'll help you in qualifying Mains exam as well.
The Second stage exam, that is, Mains exam will be held in ONLINE mode. All of you need to familiarise yourself with online format adequately and Practice Online tests(Mock tests), So that you can be better prepared and you can have brownie points on others.
Candidates equal to 15 times of vacancies shall be called for 2nd stage CBT based on the merit position in the CBT held during 28/03/2016 to 03/05/2016 (hereinafter called 1st Stage CBT).
Final selection of candidates will be based on merit position obtained in the 2ndstage CBT and/or result of Aptitude Test/Typing Skill Test wherever applicable.
Normalisation of marks will be done as per extant rules in 1st and 2nd stage CBT.
2nd stage CBT is likely to include questions pertaining to General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and Reasoning. The duration of 2nd stage CBT will be of 90 minutes covering 120 multiple choice objective questions.
General Awareness— Sections included are:
Physics,Biology , Chemistry , Environment
ancient history and medieval history
Modern and world history
Indian Economy, Micro and macro economy
Indian Polity
Current affairs
Indian Geography
World and important days
Awards and books
Mixed questions
Reasoning, Important topics are
Number questions
Analogy and alphabets problem
Age problem
Verbal and image folding problem
Math—Important topics are–
Number system
Percentage and its applications
average and alligations
Time and work
SI and CI
DI, Algebra
Advanced math( trigonometry, mensuration and geometry)
Please note and keep visiting RRB websites regularly for the updates in this regard.
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