Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains 2016

December 25, 2016    

Directions (1-2): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A person walks 5m North from point A and reaches B then takes a right turn and walks 8 km and reaches to point C. Again he takes left turn and walk for 4m and takes left turn again and walk 6 m and reaches point D. Finally he take left turn and walk 9m and reaches point E.
Q1.What is the distance between A and E?
Q2. D is in which direction from point C?
(b) South East
(d) North West
(e) South west
Q3.A person walk 8m west of point X and then takes a right turn and walk 4m and reaches to point Y. He take left from Y and walk 5m and reaches to point Z. If A is to the south of point Z then A is in which directions from point Y?
(a) North West
(b) South East
(c) North East
(d) South West
(e)None of these
Directions (4-6): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A person walk 5m north from point A and takes a left turn and walk for  8m and reaches point B. From B he takes a right turn and walk 3m and again take right turn and walk 4m and reaches to point C. From point C he takes a right turn again and walk for 10m and reaches to point D. From point D finally he take left turn and walk 4m and reaches point E.
Q4.If person walk 4m west from point A and reaches to point Z. Then what is the distance between Z and C.
Q5.Point E is in which direction from point B?
(b) North East
(c) South West
(d) South East
(e)None of these
Q6.If point F is south of point B then F is in which direction from point D?
(b) South West
(c) North West
(e)Cannot determined
Directions (7-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
A family having six family members A, B, C, D, E and F in which two are married couples. There are equal number of male and female. All have different salaries. A earned more than only C and granddaughter of the one, who is husband of C. B is the brother of F and married to E and earn the highest is the family. D is the father of B and earn more than F but less than E.
Q7. How F is related with E?
(a) Brother
(b) Sister
(c) Sister is law
(d) Brother is law
(e)None of these
Q8. Who among the above earn lowest?
(e)None of these
Q9. If the income of A, F are 200 & 300 then what would be the income of C & D?
(a) 100, 400
(b) 500, 600
(c) 300, 500
(d)100, 300
(e)Cannot determined
Q10.How the person who earned third highest is related to F?
(a) Father
(b) Brother
(c) Mother
(d) Sister
(e)Cannot determined
Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Bright sun very much = **# ##@ @@#  **@
Boys play match only = ##*   @@*  *@*   #@#
Field only much grown = *@*   @#@ *#*   ##@
Play critical match very = **# ##*    @*@ #@#
Q11. **#  ##@  @*@ is coded as
(a) Very critical match
(b) Very field much
(c) Very much critical
(d) Boys very critical
Q12. *@*  is coded as 
(b) Critical
Q13.@#@  *#*  *** is coded as
(a) Field Grown Critical
(b) Field Match Grown
(c) Field Rapidly Grown
(d)Field Critical Rapidly
(e) Grown Match Rapidly
Q14.@@* is coded as
(c) Either Grown or Play
(d) Either Play or Match
Q15.@@#  @*@ is coded as
(a) Bright Critical
(b) Sun Critical
(c) Field Critical
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) Either (b) or (c)
Answers will be updated soon....

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Reasoning Questions for IBPS Clerk Mains 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 25, 2016 Directions (1-2): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions: A person walks 5m North from point A and reac...

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