Reasoning Practice Test for IBPS Bank Exams

December 9, 2016    

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Directions (Q. No. 1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. 
Eight friends - A, Z, B, D, C, F, G & K are sitting around a circular table not necessarily in the same order. Three of them are facing out-side (opposite to the center) while rest facing the center. There are equal number of males and females in the group. No female is an immediate neighbor of G. B is facing the center. A is not an immediate neighbor of C. C is sitting third to the right of B. Three persons are sitting between F and Z. G is sitting third to the right of E D is sitting third to the right of A. The immediate neighbours of D are females and face outside. The one sitting third to the left of Z is a male. The immediate neighbours of Z are females. F is sitting third to the left of C. The immediate neighbours of C are males and are facing the center.
  1. Who is sitting second to the right of C ? 
  2. How many persons are sitting between K and C when counted from the left side of K ? 
    1. More than 4 
    2. 3
  3. Which of the following statements is true regarding K ?
    1. The one who is second to the right of K is a female 
    2. K is facing the center 
    3. K is a male 
    4. The immediate neighbours of K are facing outside 
    5. None of these 
  4. What is D's position with respect to G ?
    1. Third to the left 
    2. Third to the right 
    3. Second to the left 
    4. Second to the right 
    5. None of these 
  5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which of the fol-lowing does not belong to the group ?
    1. ZC 
    2. BG
    3. GA 
    4. DK 
    5. None of these
Directions (Q. No. 1-5) : Study the following information to answer the given questions. 
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement. 
Input : 7 cartoon 4 never cash 5 he 36 forest 3 and 16
Step I : cartoon 7 4 never cash 5 he 36 forest 3 and 16
Step II : cartoon 7 forest 36 4 never cash 5 he 3 and 16
Step III : cartoon 7 forest 36 never 5 4 cash he 3 and 16
Step IV : cartoon 7 forest 36 never 5 cash 16 4 he 3 and
Step V : cartoon 7 forest 36 never 5 cash 16 and 3 4 he
Step VI : cartoon 7 forest 36 never 5 cash 16 and 3 he 4
And Step VI is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input : 5 vim 16 by some 64 study 9 vhandana 4 exercises 3
  1. Which of the following steps will be the last but one ?
    1. III
    2. IV
    3. V
    4. Vi
    5. None of these
  2. Which word / number would be the sixth from the right in Step III ?
    1. 5
    2. by
    3. vim
    4. study
    5. 64
  3. Which step number would be the following output ?
      • "exercises 9 vhandana 64 study 5 16 vim by some 4 3"
    1. III
    2. IV
    3. V
    4. VI
    5. There will be no such step
  4. IN step V, if "exercises" is related to '64' and 'vhandana' is related to '5' in a certain way, then which of the following is "study" related to in the same way ?
    1. some
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 16
    5. 5
  5. What will be the position of "64" in step V ?
    1. Fourth from the right
    2. Fifth from the right
    3. Sixth from the right
    4. Fourth from the left
    5. Fifth from the left
shared by Shravan Varma
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Reasoning Practice Test for IBPS Bank Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 9, 2016 sponsored links Directions (Q. No. 1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.  Eight frien...

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