Improve your English

December 2, 2016    

Dear Readers, Many of few have queries of how to improve your English. In this post we provide you vocabulary words and their meanings that are in news recently. It will help you in improveing your English and help in comprehensions in competitive Exams.
Improve your English

1. wistful- उदास
All the boys who had been dropped from the football team were wistfully watching their teammates getting ready for the match.

सभी लड़के जो फुटबॉल टीम से निकाले गये थे वे उदास मन से अपने साथी खिलाड़ियों को मैच के लिए तैयार होता देख रहे थे।

2. approbation- प्रशंसा
The crowd was filled with approbation when the Indian cricket team won the final match.

जब भारतीय क्रिकेट टीम ने फाइनल मैच जीता तो पूरी भीड़ प्रशंसा से भर गयी थी।

3. curtail- कम करना, घटाना, काटना
Their efforts to curtail spending didn't quite succeed.

उनके खर्च घटाने के प्रयास ज़्यादा सफल नहीं हुए।

4. bane- परेशानी का कारण
Traffic jams are generally the bane of any commuter.

ट्रैफिक जाम आम तौर पर हर यात्री के लिए परेशानी का कारण होते हैं।

5. paternal- पैतृक

By walking out on his wife and children, the man decided to give up his paternal rights.

अपनी पत्नी और बच्चों को छोड़ने से उस आदमी ने अपने पैतृक अधिकार छोड़ने का फैसला किया।

Improve your English 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 2, 2016 Dear Readers, Many of few have queries of how to improve your English. In this post we provide you vocabulary words and their meanings that ...

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