Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2016/17

December 27, 2016    

A Bank has opened a new branch in location. The company has implemented CISCO routers on the network that are configured with the frame relay in capsulation for data transmission. The network administrator wants to measure the speed at which the access link is clocked. Which parameter will be used to measure it
Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2016/17 (Set-12):
Dear Readers, Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam was given here with answers. Aspirants those who are preparing for the examination can use this.

1). An attack on network will not bother to do ______.
a)    Network investigation
b)    Network management
c)    Access gaining
d)    Escaping
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
2). Which of the following is to be done by the auditor while internet banking services audit?
a)    Tour the server room
b)    The user is not allowed to login after defined repeated failed attempts
c)    Contract clearly states the services that will be provided by the vendor
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
3). ________ can be one of the approaches used to tax online transactions.
a)    Permanent establishment
b)    Residence-based
c)    Income based classification
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: d)
4). To stop unauthorized access to the computer systems we should_____
a)    Have a trustworthy system administrator
b)    Have a sound encryption policy
c)    Have a good password policy
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
5). Which of the following details do you think should be checked on security breaches?
a)    Authorized access to system resources
b)    Un-authorized access to system
c)    Un-authorized attempts to change security definitions
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: d)
6). The internet is an example of a ________.
a)    Packet switched network
b)    Cell switched network
c)    Circuit switched network
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
7). Which of the following methods is NOT used by Kerberos to establish a secure connection between the client and the target server?
a)    OCR
b)    Secret key
c)    Password
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: c)
8). _________ is the process of organizing data in tables with the object of elimination redundancy and inconsistent dependency.
a)    Data Modeling
b)    Normalization
c)    Data mining
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
9). Which can be used for development for an application?
a)    Data
b)    Human factor
c)    Technology
d)    All of these are required
e)    None of these

Answer: d)
10). The security features of the application should be the time of ________.
a)    Programming phase
b)    Conceptual design phase
c)    Testing phase
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: b)
1). b) 2). a) 3). d) 4). c) 5). d) 6). a) 7). c) 8). b) 9). d) 10). b)


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Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2016/17 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 27, 2016 Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer)  Exam 2016/17 (Set-12) : Dear Readers,  Important Professional Knowled...

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