Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2016/17

December 12, 2016    

A Bank has opened a new branch in location. The company has implemented CISCO routers on the network that are configured with the frame relay in capsulation for data transmission. The network administrator wants to measure the speed at which the access link is clocked. Which parameter will be used to measure it
Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2016/17 (Set-9):
Dear Readers, Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam was given here with answers. Aspirants those who are preparing for the examination can use this.

1._____ is used to read choice filled up by a student in common entrance tests.
a)    Hand held scanner
b)    papers
c)    OMR
d)    Pointing devices
e)    None of these

Answer: c)

2).A data communication system requires
a)    Terminal device
b)    Communication channel
c)    Protocols
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: d)

3).Most common channel used by networks totay is
a)    Internet
b)    Telephone lines
c)    Satellite
d)    Mail
e)    None of these

Answer: b)

4).A remote data entry means
a)    Program resides in master computer and data is read from remote terminal
b)    Both program & data are read from remote terminal
c)    Both program and data are read from computer terminal
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: a)

5).The term remote wrt network means
a)    A device that can’t control network functions
b)    Machine located far off
c)    Any peripheral or application located far off
d)    FEP
e)    None of these

Answer: b)

6).A modem performs _____
a)    Modulation
b)    Demodulation
c)    Data compression
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: d)

7).In ____ mode of file, existing text is replaced by new one:
a)    Append
b)    Write
c)    Read
d)    All of these
e)    None of these

Answer: b)

8).WAP stands for:
a)    wireless Application Protocol
b)    Wired Application Protocol
c)    Wireless Access Protocol
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: a)

9).In two-tier client server architecture, the client is usually
a)    Fat client
b)    Thin client
c)    Very thin client
d)    All of the above
e)    None of these

Answer: a)

10).Which of the following does not fall under the category of operations to be performed during development of software?
a)    Personnel security
b)    Logical access control
c)    Physical protection
d)    Environmental protection
e)    None of these

Answer: a)
1)  c)    2) d)     3) b)    4) a)   5) b)  6)  d)    7) b)   8) a)   9) a)  10) a)


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Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer) Exam 2016/17 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 12, 2016 Important Professional Knowledge Questions for IBPS SO (IT Officer)  Exam 2016/17 (Set-9) : Dear Readers,  Important Professional Knowledg...

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