IBPS Clerk Mains 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions (Input-Output & Statement and Argument) - Set- 67:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IBPS Clerk Mains Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.Direction (Q. 1- 5): Study the given information and answer the following questions:
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement (All the numbers are two-digit number)
Input: 5 elope 2 solution 3 universities in 1 after 4 6 idealise
Step 1 : Universities 6 5 elope 2 solution 3 in 1 after 4 idealise.
Step 2 : Universities 6 idealise 5 elope 2 solution 3 in 1 after 4.
Step 3 : Universities 6 idealise 5 solution 4 elope 2 3 in 1 after.
Step 4: Universities 6 idealise 5 solution 4 elope 3 2 in 1 after.
Step 5 : Universities 6 idealise 5 solution 4 elope 3 after 2 in 1.
Step V is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given step, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 7 eleven 4 5 academician identification.
1).How many steps will be required to complete the given input?
a) Five
b) Six
c) Seven
d) Eight
e) Nine
2).Which of the following is the sixth element from the left end of step V?
a) 2
b) state
c) eleven
d) 5
e) awareness
3).In which step will there be the following output?
Identification 7 academician 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 eleven 4 5.
a) Step II
b) Step III
c) Step IV
d) Step V
e) None of these
4).Which of the following represent the position of '5' in step III?
a) Sixth from the right
b) Sixth from the left
c) Fifth from right
d) Third from left
e) None of these
5).Which of the following will be at the fifth position from the right end in the last step?
a) 6
b) awareness
c) 3
d) encourage
e) None of these
Direction (Q. 6-7): Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follow-
According to survey, play ground be a prerequisite for granting permission to set up schools. As playground in school are nursery beds for a culture of physical exercise and fitness. This is vital for development of a child physical potential.
A) Lapse in early stages of development can have serious consequence on child health.
B) An idle school should have playground facility.
C) Sports facility are necessary for children development.
D) Lack of physical activity is going to be the main challenge for future generation.
E) Without playground children will concentrate more on studies.
F) Sports are not the only suitable methods for development of child.
6).Which of the following among A), B), C), D), E) and F) may be strong argument in favour of these who want to set up schools without playground.
a) Only A
b) Both A and C
c) Both E and F
d) Only B, D and F
e) None of these
7).Which of the following among A), B), C), D), E) and F) may be the reason behind the survey?
a) Only A
b) Both A and C
c) Only B
d) Only A, C and E
e) Only C, D and F
Direction (8-10): Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
RBI governor is likely to raise the repo rate, the key lending rate, by 0.25 percentage points to 8% in the mid quarter. India's wholesale inflation was at a 7 months high at 7% in October and retails inflation at a 9 month high of 11.24% in November.
A) Growth may take a back seat.
B) Higher lending rates costs may impacts finance and purchase of consumer goods.
C) Rupee has fall to a dollar last week.
D) Governor unable to prevent the high inflation rates.
E) Governor increases the repo-rate in every-quarter.
F) Foreign funds to move away promptly from India.
8).Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) can be a probable cause of the above step?
a) Only C
b) Both A & D
c) Only A
d) Both D & E
e) None of these
9).Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) can be an assumption according to the given information?
a) Only A
b) Only B
c) Only C
d) Both C and D
e) Both A and E
10).Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and F) can be inferred from the given information?
a) Only B
b) Only F
c) Both A and B
d) Both B and F
e) Both B and D
Direction: (1-5)
The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step. The word that has highest number of vowels comes first in an alphabetical order followed by the number equal to the total number of vowels in that word.
Input: 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 7 eleven 4 5 academician identification
Step I: Identification 7 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 eleven 4 5 academician.
Step II: identification 7 academician 6 awareness 2 encourage 3 state on 1 eleven 4 5
Step III: identification 7 academician 6 encourage 5 awareness 2 3 state on 1 eleven 4
Step IV: identification 7 academician 5 encourage 5 awareness 4 2 3 state on 1 eleven.
Step V: identification 7 academician 6 encourage 5 awareness 4 eleven 3 2 state on 1.
Step VI: identification 7 academician 6 encourage 5 awareness 4 eleven 3 state 2 on 1.
1). b) 2). d) 3). a) 4). b) 5). c)
Directions (Q. 6-10):
Both (E) and (F) suggest that the play ground are not prerequisite necessary for setting up a school.
The whole reason to this survey is to bring the importance of playground in school for child physical fitness and development.
The fall of rupee to a dollar is anticipation of a such move.
It is obvious that increase in repo-rate will directly effect the finance structure of a consumer.
Increase in repo-rate will increase the rate of interest on home-loans and commercial loans, which effect the corporate and public and reduce the growth towards the backward.
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