Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IBPS Clerk Mains Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.
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Directions (Q.1-5): study the following information carefully to answer the given questionA word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and output arrangement.
Input:20 soft metal 18 22 inside 13 are 7 small 34 unit west 27
Step I:34 metal 20 soft 18 22 inside 13 are 7 small unit west 27
Step II:34 metal 7 are 20 soft 18 22 inside 13 small unit west 27
Step III:34 metal 7 are 22 small 20 soft 18 inside 13 unit west 27
Step IV:34 metal 7 are 22 small 13 inside 20 soft 18 unit west 27
Step V:34 metal 7 are 22 small 13 inside 20 soft 27 unit 18 west
Step 5 is the last step of the above input. As per rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Input: 12 light 17 sky 9 early 4 just are 31 out 20 nothing 40
1). How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement?
a) Four
b) Five
c) 3)Six
d) Seven
e) Eight
2).Which of the following will be at fifth position from the right in the last step?
a) nothing
b) 12
c) 31
d) out
e) early
3). Which of the following represent the position of '17 in step IV?
a) fifth from right
b) fifth from left
c) sixth from right
d) Seventh from right
e) seventh from left
4). In which step will there be the following output?
'40 just 9 all 12 light 17 sky early 4 31 out 20 nothing'
a) Step I
b) Step II
c) Step III
d) Step IV
e) step V
5). Which element is third to the left of ‘sky’ in step V?
a) 17
b) nothing
c) early
d) light
e) out
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information and answer the following questions:
There are seven different shops -UCB, Woodland, Reebok, Shoppers stop, Pantaloons, Blackberry and Adidas- with in the boundaries of a circular market. Only three shops are facing inside the market and rest are facing outside the market. Shoppers stop is between Blackberry and the shop which is facing inside the market and shoppers stop is to the immediate right of Blackberry. Pantaloon is second to the left of Adidas. Woodland is fourth to the right of UCB and both are facing same direction. A shop which is facing inside the market is on the immediate right of the shop which is facing outside and third to the right of woodland. Reebok and UCB are facing inside and are not immediate neighbours. Rebock is immediate right of Pentaloon
6). Which of the following have entrance from inside?
a) Adidas
b) Pantaloons
c) Shoppers stop
d) UCB
e) None of these
7). Which of the following shops is on the immediate right of Reebok?
a) Woodland
b) Pantaloons
c) Blackberry
d) UCB
e) Can't be determined
8).If shoppers stop and UCB interchange their positions, which of the following shops will be second to the left of Pantaloons?
a) UCB
b) Blackberry
c) Adidas
d) Reebok
e) None of these
9).Which of the following shops is between Adidas and Woodland in clockwise direction?
a) Pantaloon and Reebok
b) Reebok and UCB
c) Blackberry and Shopper stop
d) Reebok and Adidas
e) None of these
10).How many shops are there between Pantaloons & shoppers stop, which entrance from inside?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Can't be determine
e) None of these
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