HISTORY NOTES: Important Socio-Religious Reform Movements(Parts I) for RRB NTPC and SSC CHSL EXAM

December 31, 2016    

1. Founder – Henry Vivian Derozio
2. He was a teacher of Hindu college (1826 – 31)
3. He attracted many bright students, who were known as Derozians or young Bengal.
4. Derozians supported women's right & education
5. Henry Derozio was probably the first nationalist.
6. Poet of modern India.
7. He was removed from college in 1831 because of his radicalism.
8. Derozians were called as “Pioneers of modern civilization of Bengal. However, they carried forward the task of public education & made demands like a revision of companies charter, trial by Jury Indianisation of higher services.

Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
1. The great Sanskrit scholar, in 1850 become the principal of Sanskrit college & introduced there the study of western thought.
2. He evolved new methodology of teaching Sanskrit.
3. He started a movement in support of widow re-marriage which was resulted in widow remarriage act of 1856.
4. First, lawful Hindu widow remarriage was held under the supervision of Vidyasagar in 1856.
He also protested against child marriage.
He was also secretary of first girls schools, Bethune school, Calcutta 1849.

Ved Samaj – 1864, (Madras)
1. Founder – Dharalu Naidu
2. Inspired by Keshab  Chandra sen
3. Also known as “Brahma samaj of south”

Balshastri Jambekar
1. One of the pioneer reformers in Bombay, He attacked brahminical system & tried to reform popular Hinduism.
2. He started weekly Darpan in 1832 to popularized socio-religious reform.

Gopal Hari Deshmukh
1. Popularly known as Lokhitwadi.
2. He wrote the famous ‘shatpatre’ (100 Letters)
3. Which emphasized national regeneration through social reform & modern education.
4. He said “If religion does not sanction social reform, then change the religion.

Paramhansa mandali
1. founded in 1849 in Maharashtra by Dodaba Pandurang, Bal Shastri Jambekar & R. G. Bhandarkar.
2.  Believe in one god & world fraternity.
3. They also advocated widow remarriage & women education.

Students Literary & Scientific Societies
1. Formed in 1848 in Bombay & Poona by some educated young students, they were also called the Gyan Prakash mandali having branches in Gujarati & Marathi.
2. They organize a  lecture on popular science & social questions.

3. One of the aims was to start schools for girls.


- http://www.sscadda.com/2016/12/history-notes-important-socio-religious.html
HISTORY NOTES: Important Socio-Religious Reform Movements(Parts I) for RRB NTPC and SSC CHSL EXAM 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 31, 2016 YOUNG BENGAL MOVEMENT 1. Founder – Henry Vivian Derozio 2. He was a teacher of Hindu college (1826 – 31) 3. He attracted many bri...

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