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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 1st December 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "Provocation at Nagrota"
- Provocation - an action or statement that is intended to make someone angry
- Graphic - very clear and powerful
- Evidence - one or more reasons for believing that something is or is not true
- Armed forces - a country's military forces, usually an army, navy, and air force
- Amidst - in the middle of or surrounded by
- Escalating - to become or make something become greater or more serious
- Storm - a very angry reaction from a lot of people
- Corps - a military unit trained to perform particular duties
- Armed - using or carrying weapons
- Regiment - a large group of soldiers
- Premises - the land and buildings owned by someone
- Despite - used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it
- Reportedly - used for showing that you are not certain that something you are reporting is true
- Scaled - to climb
- Hostage - someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy in order to force the other people involved to do what the enemy wants
- Unarmed - not having any weapons
- Exemplary - excellent
- Personnel - people who are employed in a company, organization, or one of the armed forces
- Ceasefire - an agreement, usually between two armies, to stop fighting in order to allow discussions about peace
- Consolidated - to combine several things
- Surgical strike - a type of military attack that is made in an exact way on a particular place
- Attrition - gradually making something weaker and destroying it, especially the strength or confidence of an enemy by repeatedly attacking it
- Vis-à-vis - in comparison with
- Insurgency - an occasion when a group of people attempt to take control of their country by force
- Diverse - very different from each other
- Tactic - a planned way of doing something
- Casualty - a person injured or killed in a serious accident or war
- Installation - a place where there are buildings and equipment that have a particular, especially military, purpose
- Unrest - disagreements or fighting between different groups of people
- Bilateral - involving two groups or countries
- Nosedived -a fast and sudden fall
- Unilaterally - involving only one group or country
- Lingering - to take a long time to leave or disappear
- Intensity - strength
- Conflict - an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles
- Appraisal - to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success, or needs
- Breakdown - a failure to work or be successful
- For instance - for example
- Crossfire - bullets fired towards you from different directions
- Routinely - a regular series of movements
- Territory - an area of land, that is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "India’s missing girl children"
- Irony - a strange situation in which things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect
- Fewer and fewer - very less
- Parental - involving parents
- Consistent - always behaving or happening in a similar way
- Evidence - one or more reasons for believing that something is true or not true
- Census - a count for official purposes, especially one to count the number of people living in a country and to collect information about them
- Horror - an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock
- Assessment - the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully
- Scourge - something that causes a lot of trouble or harm
- Prompted - to cause something to happen or be done
- Take note of something - to give attention to something, especially because it is important
- Convey - to express a thought, feeling, or idea so that it is understood by other people
- Survival - the fact of a person, organization, etc. continuing to live or exist
- Socio-cultural - related to the different groups of people in society and their habits, traditions, and beliefs
- Mindset - a person's way of thinking and their opinions
- Burden - something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about
- Shrink - to become smaller
- Crisis - an extremely difficult or dangerous point in a situation
- Campaign - a planned group of activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
- Prevention - to stop something from happening or someone from doing something
- Assessment - the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully
- Intensively - involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time
- Cradle - a small bed for a baby that you can move gently from side to side
- Anonymously - without revealing your name
- Adoption - the process of making a child legally part of your family
- Persistence - a situation in which something unpleasant continues to exist
- Abandoned - left alone by someone who should stay with you and look after you
- Beyond - outside
- Tangible - important and noticeable
- Enforcement - to make people obey a law
- Prohibit - to officially refuse to allow something
- Determination - the process of controlling, influencing, or deciding something
- Foetus - a developing baby human or animal, before it is born
- Massive - very large in size, amount, or number
- Investment - the process of spending money in order to improve something or make it more successful
- Long-term - continuing to exist, be relevant, or have an effect for a long time in the future
- Prospect - the possibility that something will happen,
- Incentive - something that encourages a person to do something
- Continuum - a series of events, changes, features etc that all have a particular quality to different degrees
- Half-measure - something that is done in a way that is not complete or is only partly effective
- Dramatic - sudden and surprising or easy to notice
- Reversal - a change in something, so that it becomes the opposite of what it was
- Shameful - so bad that you feel ashamed of it
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