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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of The Hindu News Paper dated 30th November 2016. Happy reading :)
Note : Click on the titles to read the Editorials
Hindu Editorial Topic 1 : "A last chance for amnesty"
- Amnesty - a situation in which a government agrees not to punish, or to no longer punish, people who have committed a particular crime
- Amendment - a change made to a law or agreement
- Unaccounted - unpaid, without explanation
- Voluntarily - done willingly, without being forced or paid to do it
- End up - to finally be in a particular place or situation
- Retaining - to keep or continue to have something
- Establish - to prove that something is true
- Legitimate - allowed by law
- -esque - like or in the style of someone or their work
- Disclosure - a piece of information that was previously secret
- Levy - an amount of money, such as a tax, that you have to pay to a government or organization
- Deadline - a time or day by which something must be done
- Demonetise - to officially stop using particular notes or coins, or a particular currency
- Purposeful - intended to achieve something useful
- Clean out - to use all of someone’s money
- Asset - something valuable belonging to a person or organization that can be used for the payment of debts
- Yield - to produce something
- Perhaps - used for saying that you are not certain about something, or that something may or may not be true
- Instil - to make someone have a particular feeling or belief
- Habitual - usually or often done by someone
- Evaders - people who escape or avoid doing something
- Proportion - the number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole
- In line with - similar to something
- Prior - existing or happening before something else, or before a particular time
- Exempt - to excuse someone or something from a duty, payment, etc
- Ploy - something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often dishonestly
- Subvert - to make someone less loyal or less moral
- Hiring - to pay someone to work for you, especially for a short time
- Launder - to move money that has been obtained illegally through banks and other businesses to make it seem to have been obtained legally
- Illicit - illegal or disapproved of by society
- Tipping - the act of giving an amount of money to someone who has provided a service
- Ingenuity - someone's ability to think of clever new ways of doing something
- Mopped up - to finish dealing with something
- Manoeuvre - a movement or set of movements needing skill and care
- Fiscal - relating to money and financial matters, especially taxes
- Headroom - the amount of space
- Extinguishing - o stop or get rid of an idea or feeling
- Liability - the amount of money that a company owes
- Dividend - (a part of) the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it
- Exchequer - the government department responsible for a country’s financial matters
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "Finally, a step towards change"
- Amendments - a change made to a law or agreement
- Constitution - a set of basic laws or principles for a country that describe the rights and duties of its citizens and the way in which it is governed
- Table - to suggest formally in a meeting something that you would like everyone to discuss
- Addressing - to try to deal with a problem
- Federal - a federal system of government consists of a group of regions that are controlled by a central government
- Redrawing - to change something, especially the borders between countries or regions
- Province - an area that is governed as part of a country or an empire
- Substantial - large in size, value, or importance
- Naturalised - to make someone a legal citizen of a country that they were not born in
- Upper House - one of the two parts that some parliaments are divided into
- Agitations - the situation in which people protest or argue, especially in public, in order to achieve a particular type of change
- Disrupted - to prevent something, especially a system, process, or event, from continuing as usual or as expected
- Countenance - to approve of or give support to something
- Adequate - enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
- Budge - to change your opinion or to make someone change their opinion
- Interim - temporary
- Comprehensive - complete and including everything that is necessary
- Accord - agreement
- Mainstream - considered normal
- Paved the way - if something paves the way for/to something else, it makes the other thing possible
- Painstakingly - in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot of effort
- Stability - a situation in which something is not likely to move or change
- Emerging - starting to exist
- Disastrous Spell - to cause something extremely bad to happen in the future
- Abandoning - to leave something
- Bipartisan - supported by or consisting of two political parties
- Compact - a formal agreement between two or more people, organizations, or countries
- Reverted to something - to return to doing, using, being, or referring to something, usually something bad or less satisfactory
- Instability - uncertainty caused by the possibility of a sudden change in the present situation
- Abdication - if a king or queen abdicates, he or she makes a formal statement that he or she no longer wants to be king or queen
- Forge - to make or produce something, especially with some difficulty
- Consensus - a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people
- Contentious - causing or likely to cause disagreement
- Ethnic groups - relating to a group of people who have the same culture and tradition
- Naysayers - someone who says something is not possible, is not good, or will fail
- Cynical - believing that people are only interested in themselves and are not sincere
- Ploy - something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often dishonestly
- Resist - to refuse to accept or be changed by something
- Instability - a situation that keeps changing, so that you are worried about what might happen
- Marginalise - to treat someone or something as if they are not important
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