Bites of English: Vocabulary 14.55Yateendra sahuDecember 11, 2016
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1. Last night I dream…Read More
General science Quiz for SSC CHSL 2015
1. A fast wind can turn the blades of a windmill because it possesses
(a) potential energy
(b) kinetic energy
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English - A Click Away
Retroactive (adj)(पूर्व व्यापी,पूर्व प्रभावी)-effective as of a prior time or condition
The retroactive law made even past infractions punishable.
Synonym: retrograde
Revive (verb)(दुबारा प्रचलित करना,)-To bring back to life
Hank tried to revive Cl…Read More
Advanced Quant Quiz For SSC Mains And SSC CHSL Exam Dear Readers,
Here we are providing advance math quiz based on Algebra,which is very helpful upcoming SSC CHSL and SSC CGL TIER-II exam 2015.
Note : Answers will be updated soon..................
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Reasoning Quiz For SSC CHSL Exam 2015 Directions (1-6): In each of the following questions, select the related word / letters / number from the given alternatives.
1. 11 : 132 : : __?__ .
1) 10 : 100
2) 9 : 90
3) 13 : 169
4) 15 : 250
2. 1/9 ∶ 1/81 ,1/13 ∶ __?__ .
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