Vocabulary for SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2016

November 15, 2016    

vocabulary for SSC Exam
Meaning:regular payment made to a fund by an employee towards a future pension.
Synonym:allowance, annuity, grant, payment, premium
Sentence:"had he agreed to resign, he would have been entitled to his superannuation for 29 years' service"

Meaning: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable.
Synonym: credible, reasonable, believable, likely, 
Antonym: unlikely, improbable
Sentence: "a plausible explanation"

3.Meaning: criticize unfairly; disparage.
Synonym: disparage, belittle, diminish, deprecate,
Antonym: extol
Sentence: "doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country"

Meaning: an agreement., agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.
Synonym: accord, deal, bargain, settlement
Antonym: disagreement, denial, misunderstanding, refusal
Sentence: "there was a covenant between them that her name was never to be mentioned" 

Meaning: underhand, unscrupulous, or dishonest behaviour or activities.
Synonym: trickery, swindling, fraudulence
Sentence: "a firm that investigates commercial skulduggery"

6. Aloof
Meaning: not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.
Synonym: distant, detached, unresponsive, remote,
Antonym: familiar, friendly
Sentence: "they were courteous but faintly aloof

7. Allure
Meaning: the quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.
Synonym: attraction, lure, draw, pull, appeal, glamour
Sentence: people for whom gold holds no allure"

8. Alacrity
Meaning: brisk and cheerful readiness
Synonym: eagerness, willingness, readiness
Sentence: "she accepted the invitation with alacrity"

9. Soporific
Meaning: tending to induce drowsiness or sleep., a drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.
Synonym: sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative,  tranquilizer, narcotic, opiate;
Antonym: invigorating, stimulant
Sentence: "the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect"

Meaning: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable.
Synonym: morsel, particle, degree, speck, fragment, scrap,
Sentence: "his statement had a modicum of truth"




- http://www.sscadda.com/2016/11/vocabulary-for-ssc-cgl-tier-ii-exam-2016_15.html
Vocabulary for SSC CGL Tier-II Exam 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 15, 2016 1.Superannuation Meaning:regular payment made to a fund by an employee towards a future pension. Synonym:allowance, annuity, grant, paym...

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