Tricky questions of Reasoning for SSC CHSL 2016

November 19, 2016    

Directions (1-2): In each of the following questions, a letter-number series is given with one term missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives. 

Q1. 2B, 4C, 8E, 14H, ?   
(a) 16K
(b) 22L
(c) 20L
(d) 20I

Q2. 2A11, 4D13, 12G17, ?  
(a) 36I19 
(b) 36J21 
(c) 48J21
(d) 48J23 

Directions(3-4): In each of the following letters series, some of the letters are missing which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative. 

Q3. ab _ bcbca _ _ c _ bab  
(a) acbc
(b) ccaa
(c) abcc
(d) baaa

Q4. aa _ _ aba _ bca _ aab _ a _ 
(a) bbccab
(b) bbabcb
(c) bcabcb
(d) cbabac

Directions(5-6): There is a certain relation between two given words on one side of : : and one word is given on another side of : : while another word is to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has. Select the best alternatives.  

Q5. Cattle : Herd : : Sheep : ?  
(a) Flock 
(b) Swarm 
(c) Shoal 
(d) Mob 

Q6. Bank : Money : : Transport : ? 
(a) Traffic
(b) Road 
(c) Goods
(d) Speed 

Directions (7-8): In each of the following questions, choose that set of numbers from the four alternative sets, that is similar to the given set. 

Q7. Given set: (9, 15, 21)  
(a) (10, 14, 16) 
(b) (7, 21, 28)  
(c) (5, 10, 25) 
(d) (4, 8, 12)  

Q8. Given set: (18, 8, 2)  
(a) (3, 7, 1) 
(b) (11, 12, 10) 
(c) (17, 9, 3) 
(d) (24, 22, 4) 

Q9. If O = 16, FOR = 42, then what is FRONT equal to?   
(a) 61
(b) 65
(c) 73
(d) 78

Directions (10-11): Read the following information and answer the questions given below it: 
A is the father of C. But C is not son. 
E is the daughter of C. F is the spouse of A. 
B is the brother of C. D is the son of B.
G is the spouse of B. H is the father of G.
Q10.Who is the grandmother of D?  
(a) A
(b) C
(c) F
(d) H

Q11. Who is the son of F?  
(a) B
(b) C
(c) D
(d) E

Directions (12-15): In the following figure, rectangle, square, circle and triangle represent the regions of wheat, gram, maize and rice cultivation respectively. On the basis of the above figure, answer the following questions. 

Q12. Which area is cultivated by all the four commodities? 
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 2

Q13. Which area is cultivated by wheat and maize only? 
(a) 8
(b) 6
(c) 5
(d) 4

Q14. Which area is cultivated by rice only?  
(a) 5
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 11

Q15. Which area is cultivated by rice and maize and nothing else? 
(a) 9
(b) 8
(c) 2
(d) 7

Tricky questions of Reasoning for SSC CHSL 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 19, 2016 Directions (1-2): In each of the following questions, a letter-number series is given with one term missing as shown by (?). Choose the m...

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