Success doesn't lie in results but in Efforts!

November 20, 2016    

Hello friends!
I am Kimmy Srivastava, a silent reader of Bankersadda. I completed my B.Sc. (Hons - Mathematics) in the year 2010. It was my dream to be a part of banking industry since childhood. Finally, SBI has brought my dream true. Whenever I used to read success stories of banking aspirants on BA, I just asked myself "when shall my success story be published?" Finally the most awaited day has come as the answer.

I started my banking preparation in 2012 but was not so serious. Till 2013, I appeared in many exams but didn't succeed. But in real sense in the year 2014, I started preparation with full concentration. This year, I came to know about BA. I want to pay thanks to BA from the bottom of my heart. It is one of the best sites for banking preparation & I am an ardent fan of this site. It proved itself a path maker or best friend of mine during my preparation.
Thank you BA for your amazing Capsules, Tonics, Daily quizzes, Daily GK updates & Success stories. Whenever I felt disappointed during my preparation, I used to read success stories & it inspired me a lot. In 2014, I cleared the written exams of RRB PO & IBPS CLERK but didn't make place in the final list. Again in 2015, failed in many written exams by a little margin, cleared only RRB PO & IBPS Clerk (Pre) Exam.
Here I can't forget the first day of the year 2016, the final result day of RRB PO. I was quite sure to be selected as a PO but I drew sorry figure. This result broke me totally & I wept for hours that day. Next day I had to appear for IBPS Clerk Mains Exam . So I gathered all my strength again & appeared for the exam. Attempted 167 questions & was fully sure to be shortlisted in the final merit list. But again on April 1, 2016, it was another big shock to me as I was failed in computer by 0.25 marks. It was unexpected result for me as I hadn't expected this to be happened.
I was stunned & resolved to quit the banking preparation. But God has better plan for all of us ever & he gives us the right thing at the right time. After some days SBI Clerk notification was published & I applied for it. During SBI Clerk preparation, I became hopeless. I watched motivational videos & read success stories which showered rays of hope on me. I prepared for this exam with my entire stamina. Despite it, I never thought myself to be in the final list as I had attempted only 136 questions (From Madhya Pradesh). But the accuracy shown by me saved this time. It was unbelievable result for me. It took me 15 minutes to believe that finally I got my dream true. I shaded tears of happiness that day. Then I told my parents & my family members about the result. They all became very happy.
Friends! it took me a long time to achieve my dream but ultimately I complied it. You all can also do it. I want to thank the Almighty, my parents (for believing in me for a long time), my family members, relatives , my teachers , my seniors & all my special friends for their unconditional love & immense support throughout my painful & long journey.
And in last dear Banking Aspirants!  Work hard continuously in right direction till you don't succeed (My Success Mantra). Practice is the only key, which will improve your speed & accuracy too. So practice as much as you can. And one more thing don't copy other's strategy, make your own strategy to crack the exam. Always give your 100%, doesn't matter what the situation is & be honest to yourself & study too. Never loose hope & work so hard that the destiny is compelled to surrender in your favour. 
“सौ बार गिरे हैं एक और बार सही, मंजिल मिलेगी कभी ना कभी 
जो हुआ उसे कभी भूलना नहीं, ज होगा उसे है देखना अभी 
सच तू सफल होगा अबकी बारी, दिखा दे बस अपनी ईमानदारी
ना थका है तू ना थकेगा, ना रुका है तू ना रुकेगा 
चल एक कदम और तो ऐ राही, सौ बार गिरे हैं एक और बार सही”
Kimmy Srivastava

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Success doesn't lie in results but in Efforts! 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 20, 2016 Hello friends! I am Kimmy Srivastava, a silent reader of Bankersadda . I completed my B.Sc. (Hons - Mathematics) in the year 2010. It was ...

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