Previous Year Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam

November 14, 2016    

Directions (1-5). Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) A taxi was summoned and Satish was taken to Lifeline Hospital.
(B) While hurrying home from school, Satish was hit by a car.
(C) Since they did not succeed, they decided to take him to a hospital.
(D) When Satish opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by doctors and nurses.
(E) Some people rushed towards him and tried to bring him to his senses.
(F) He was thrown a couple of feet away and lost consciousness.

Q1. Which sentence should come last (i.e., sixth) in the paragraph?
(a) B      
(c) A      
Q2. Which sentence should come first in the paragraph?
(a) D                      
(c) B                      
Q3. Which sentence should come second in the paragraph?
(a) E                      
(c) D                      
Q4. Which sentence should come third in the paragraph?
(a) F                      
(c) E                      
Q5. Which sentence should come fourth in the paragraph?
(a) C                      
(c) F                      
Directions (6-10). Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) The following represents a condensed statement of what we think we now know about the relationship between education and employment.
(B) Although the linkage between education and employment are complex and, in the past, often analysed with simplistic notions of casuality, recent research results have yielded new insights about the nature of these linkages.
(C) In the interests of brevity, the argument is put forward as a series of major propositions and derivative strategies relating to the education-employment nexus.
(D) Intensive research efforts are currently being supported throughout the developing world both by national governments and international donor agencies in the hope of improving understanding of the nature and causes of rising unemployment.
(E) The massive problems of widespread and chronic unemployment in less developed nations will remain among the most serious challenges to development policy during the next several decades.
Q6. Which of the following would be the third sentence?
(a) A                      
(c) C                      
Q7. Which of the following would be the first sentence?
(a) A                      
(b) B      
(c) C                      
Q8. Which of the following would be the fifth sentence?
(a) A                      
(c) C                      
Q9. Which of the following would be the second sentence?
(a) A                      
(c) C                      
Q10. Which of the following would be the fourth sentence?
(a) A                      
(c) C                      
Directions (11-15): Which of the phrases given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentences grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required mark (E) as the answer.
Q11. We are looking forward for good rains this year.
(a) Are looking forward to
(b) Have looked forward for
(c)  have been looking forward at
(d) Should look forward with
(e) No correction required
Q12. There is full justification to close down the units which are neither profitable nor serving any social cause.
(a) Which are not profitable or serve
(b) Which have neither profitable nor serving
(c) Which have neither profitable nor serve
(d) Which are neither profitable nor serve
(e) No correction required
Q13. Please take delivery of the material and acknowledgement at the earliest.
(a) Send acknowledgement at the earliest
(b) Acknowledge at the earliest
(c) Acknowledgement the earliest
(d) Early acknowledgement
(e) No correction required
Q14. The Officer had triggered a controversy by charging his superiors with ignoring his warning.
(a) By charging his superiors and ignoring
(b) With charging his superiors by ignoring
(c) By charging his superiors after ignored
(d) For charging his superiors on ignoring
(e) No correction required
Q15. Had we been alone we would have contended ourselves with any plain food that give us strength.
(a) that gives us strength
(b) that gave us strength
(c) which give us strength
(d) which give strength to us
(e) No correction required
S1. Ans. (d) 
Sol.  The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  BFECAD

S2. Ans. (c) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  BFECAD

S3. Ans. (e) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  BFECAD

S4. Ans. (c) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  BFECAD

S5. Ans. (a) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  BFECAD

S6. Ans. (b) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  ADBCE

S7. Ans. (a) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  ADBCE

S8. Ans. (e) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  ADBCE

S9. Ans. (d) 
Sol. The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  ADBCE

S10. Ans. (c) 
Sol.  The order of the sentences of the given paragraph will be :  ADBCE

S11. Ans. (a) 
Sol. ‘to look forward to’ is correct phrase.

S12. Ans. (d) 
Sol. ‘Which are neither profitable nor serve’ is correct word order.

S13. Ans. (e) 
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.

S14. Ans. (e) 
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.

S15. Ans. (b) 
Sol. Past tense verb ‘gave’ will be used.

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Previous Year Questions of English for IBPS/BOM Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 14, 2016 Directions (1-5). Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragr...

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