Dear Readers,
With less than 3 days left for IBPS PO Mains Examination. Are you prepared for Reasoning section?
Reasoning section can be the game changer of whole examination, and we’ve seen this very well in SBI PO Examination. It is a tricky section and if you do not have a proper plan for Reasoning you might get lost in it.
“Scoring in Reasoning is not too tough and neither too easy. Yes, it’s ambiguous nature makes it more tempting section to some and a tough call for others. So what is your vision for reasoning?”
We’ll now discuss the strategy which can help you to prepare well and score in Reasoning section in IBPS PO Mains Examination. In IBPS PO Mains Reasoning section is of 50 marks i.e. 50 Questions and there will be negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer and you will have 40 mins for this section.
So what all are the topics that you need to practice in these s for reasoning section?
The topic that you need to cover are:
The topic that you need to cover are:
☑ Alphabets
☑ Blood Relation
☑ Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
☑ Coding-Decoding
☑ Inequalities
☑ Ranking and Direction
☑ Syllogism,
☑ Data Sufficiency
☑ Machine Input-Output
☑ Logical Reasoning,
☑ Seating Arrangement and Puzzle
☑ Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series
☑ Coding-Decoding
☑ Inequalities
☑ Ranking and Direction
☑ Syllogism,
☑ Data Sufficiency
☑ Machine Input-Output
☑ Logical Reasoning,
☑ Seating Arrangement and Puzzle
Now if you brush up your skills in Blood Relation, Coding-Decoding, Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series and Inequalities you can easily score marks in these questions. Yes, you just need to understand their concept once and as their logic is very generalized, it is easy for a student to attempt questions of these topics. Along with them Alphabets and Ranking and Direction is also not that tough. Not only this even on The day of examination you should always find questions from these topics and finish them off first. Your aim should be of 100% accuracy in these topics of reasoning.
Then comes Machine Input-Output and Syllogism. These topics are not very difficult but questions can be tricky. If you practice well, you certainly can grab that easy mark from these two topics. So in this time period you should keep on practicing so you’ll know different types of questions you might face in examination.
As far as Logical Reasoning, Seating Arrangement and Puzzles are considered nothing can be said for sure and only practice can save you in questions from these topics. Among these topics Seating Arrangement can be relatively easy. You’ll need right presence of mind to solve questions from these topics and they also come with an advantage. Almost every time a puzzle comes with 4-5 questions, and if you’re able to solve it correctly, you’ll get those 4-5 marks instantly. But don’t get too engrossed in these in the actual examination as you’ll have other questions to attempt as well. If you feel they are too time consuming, a smart choice will be to skip them and invest your valuable time in other questions or other section.
And it will be really beneficial for you if you practice with Test Series, because along with studying well, a real time face off with the examination’s pattern can help you a lot in analysing your core strength and weakness. And you can certainly improve your time management skills by practicing with these test series.
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