IBPS Special : Banking Awareness Quiz

November 8, 2016    

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  1. Regional Rural Banks were established under the President of India Ordinance issued in which year ?
    1. 1985 
    2. 1990 
    3. 1975 
    4. 1935 
    5. 1955 
  2. In which year, the RRB Act was passed with a view to develop the rural economy by providing, for the purpose of development of agriculture, trade, commerce, industry and other productive activities in the rural areas ?
    1. 1982 
    2. 2015 
    3. 1990 
    4. 1976 
    5. 1935 
  3. First Regional Rural Bank - Prathama Bank opened on 2 October 1975 in the district of Moradabad in _____________ 
    1. Uttar Pradesh 
    2. Karnataka 
    3. Andhra Pradesh 
    4. Tamilnadu 
    5. MP 
  4. Central government stake in RRB is  _____________ 
    1. 40% 
    2. 80% 
    3. 50% 
    4. 100% 
    5. 20% 
  5. State government stake in the RRB is  _____________   percent. 
    1. 50 
    2. 35 
    3. 40 
    4. 15 
    5. 100 
  6. Sponsored bank stake in RRB is  _____________  
    1. 30% 
    2. 40% 
    3. 100% 
    4. 35% 
    5. 15% 
  7. Financial regulation of RRBs seen after by  _____________ 
    1. RBI 
    2. SEBI
    3. PFRDA
    4. IBRD 
    5. NHB 
  8. Supervisory powers of RRBs have been vested with  _____________ 
    1. PFRDA 
    2. SIDBI 
    3. ODA 
    4. NABARD 
    5. CCI 
  9. Find the wrong combination relating to the RRB and its sponsored Bank. 
    1. Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank - ICICI 
    2. Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank -Syndicate Bank 
    3. Telangana Grameena Bank - SBH 
    4. Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank -Andhra Bank
    5. Saptagiri Grameena Bank - Indian Bank 
  10. RBI in 2001 constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of  _____________   on 'Flow of Credit to Agriculture and Related Activities from the Banking System' which examined relevance of RRBs in the rural credit system and the alternatives for making it viable. 
    1. Chakrabarty 
    2. Narasimhan 
    3. Dr V S Vyas 
    4. Rangarajan 
    5. Usha Thorat 
  11. NRBI mooted for the efficient working of RRBs. NRBI means _____________ 
    1. National Regional Bank of India 
    2. Now Rural Bank of India 
    3. National Run Bank of India
    4. National Rural Bank of India 
    5. None 
  12. RRB Act passed in April 2015 facilitates raising the share capital of RRBs from the Rs. 5 crore to  _____________ 
    1. Rs.500 crore 
    2. Rs.400 crore
    3. Rs.2,000 crore 
    4. Rs.100 crore 
    5. Rs. 50 crore
  13. India's Ambassador to UN Conference on Disarmament, Geneva is _____________ 
    1. Syed Akabruddin 
    2. Navtej Singh 
    3. Dinesh K Patnaik 
    4. Amandeep Singh Gill
    5. Sushma Swaraj
  14. NITI Aayog designs the strategic and long term policies and programmes for the Government of India and it also provides relevant technical advice to the Centre and States. _____________ is the Vice Chairperson of NITI Aayog. 
    1. Arvind Panagariya
    2. Subrahmaniyan Swami
    3. Pranabh Mukherjee
    4. Satpal Singh
    5. Raghuram Rajan
  15. As per the revised guidelines of Reserve Bank of India, the priority sector lending target for Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) increased to  _____________ from the earlier target of 60%.
    1. 75%
    2. 80% 
    3. 100%
    4. 90% 
    5. 95% 
  16. The Priority sector lending of RRBs include the loans given to  _____________
    1. Agriculture 
    2. Micro, small and medium enterprises 
    3. Housing 
    4. Weaker sections 
    5. All of above 
  17. As per the new norms released, Rural banks have to advance _____________ of total outstanding towards agricultural activities as part of Priority Sector Lending. 
    1. 18% 
    2. 15% 
    3. 25% 
    4. 7% 
    5. 10% 
  18. A target of  _____________  percent of total outstanding must be given to micro enterprises as part of Priority Sector Lending by RRBs 
    1. 7.5%
    2. 10.5% 
    3. 6.8% 
    4. 8.2% 
    5. 11.5% 
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IBPS Special : Banking Awareness Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 8, 2016 sponsored links Regional Rural Banks were established under the President of India Ordinance issued in which year ? 1985  1990  197...

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