IBPS RRB Officers Scale I Previous Question Paper - Reasoning (Seating Arrangement)

November 3, 2016    

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Friends, here we are sharing complete Seating Arrangement (Reasoning) questions asked in IBPS RRB Officers Scale I Exam held on 12th September 2015. These questions will give you the basic idea on the pattern of Computer Knowledge section of IBPS RRB PO V Online Exam. Happy Reading :)

Directions (1-6) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : 
Eight persons — K, L, M, N, O, P, Q and R — live on eight different floors of a building but not neces-sarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building in numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor is numbered eight.  Each of them also likes a different superhero namely, Batman, Super-man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Wolverine, Nova and Ironman, but not necessarily in the same order.
  • The one who likes Thor lives on an even numbered floor. Only three persons live between the one who likes Thor and M. 
  • Only two persons live between M and N. N does not live on the lowermost floor. Only three persons live between N and the one who likes Hulk. 
  • O lives immediately above K. O lives on an even numbered floor. K does not like Hulk. K lives neither on floor numbered three nor five.
  • Only two persons live between K and the one who likes Nova. 
  • Only one person lives between the one who likes Nova and Ironman. The one who like Ironman lives below the one who likes Nova. 
  • L lives immediately above Q. Only one person lives between Q and the one who likes Captain America. 
  • The one who likes Wolverine lives immediately above the one who likes Batman. 
  • P does not like Thor. K does not like Superman. 
  1. Which of the following pairs represent those who lives immediately above and immediately below N ? 
    1. R, L 
    2. Other than those given as options
    3. L, M 
    4. K, Q 
    5. R, Q 
  2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group ? 
    1. K - Floor numbered Five 
    2. Q - Floor numbered Six 
    3. L - Floor numbered Two 
    4. N - Floor numbered Seven 
    5. R - Floor numbered Eight
  3. Which of the following super-heroes does R like ? 
    1. Other than those given as options 
    2. Superman 
    3. Nova 
    4. Thor 
    5. Batman 
  4. Which of the following super-heroes does P like ?
    1. Ironman 
    2. Wolverine 
    3. Batman 
    4. Captain America 
    5. Other than those given as options 
  5. N lives on which of the following floor numbers ? 
    1. Five 
    2. Three 
    3. Seven 
    4. One
    5. Other than those given as options
  6. As per the given arrangment, P is related to Nova and N is related to Wolverine in a certain way. To which of the following is M related to in the same way ? 
    1. Superman 
    2. Batman 
    3. Captain America 
    4. Thor 
    5. Hulk 1
Directions (1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :
Eight friends — J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q — are sitting around a circular table but not necessarily in the same order. Some of them are facing the centre and some of them are facing outside. (i.e. in a direction opposite to the centre.) 
Facing the same direction means if one person faces the centre then the other also faces the centre and vice-versa. Facing the opposite direction means if one person faces the centre then the other faces outside and vice-versa. Immediate neighbours facing the same direction means if one neighbour faces the centre then the other also faces the centre and vice-versa. 
Immediate neighbours facing the opposite direction means if one neighbour faces the centre then the other faces outside and vice-versa.
  • Only one person sits between K and O. Q sits third to the right of O. 
  • M sits to the immediate right of Q. Q faces outside. 
  • L sits second to the left of P. P is not an immediate neighbour of O. 
  • L faces a direction opposite to that of O. Immediate neighbours of L face opposite directions. 
  • J sits third to the left of N. J is not an immediate neighbour of P nor K. 
  • M and J face a direction same as that of N. 
  1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the directions they are forming and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
    1. KL 
    2. QM 
    3. PQ 
    4. NJ 
    5. QL
  2. Who among the following sit exactly between Q and O when counted from the right of Q ?  
    1. P, J
    2. M, P 
    3. L, K 
    4. N, L 
    5. J, M
  3. Which of the following is not true regarding K as per the given arrangement ? 
    1. N is an immediate neighbour of K.
    2. All the given options are true
    3. Only three persons sit between K and M. 
    4. L sits to the immediate left of K. 
    5. K faces outside. 
  4. What is L's position with respect to N ? 
    1. Immediate right 
    2. Second to the right 
    3. Third to the right 
    4. Third to the left
    5. Immediate left 
  5. Who amongst the following are immediate neighbours of P ?
    1. M, N 
    2. K, M 
    3. J. Q
    4. N, K 
    5. Q, N
Directions (1-5) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : 
Eight persons — E, F. G, H, W, X, Y and Z — are sitting in two parallel rows containing four persons each. E, F, G and H are sitting in row-1 facing north and W, X, Y and Z are sitting in row-2 facing south (but not necessarily in the same order.) Thus, each person sitting in row - 1 faces another person sitting in row - 2. Each of the two rows consists of one Doctor, one Engineer, one Pilot and one Scientist (but not necessarily in the same order). 
  • The Doctor of row-1 sits second to the right of H. X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H. Only one person sits between the X and the Scientist. 
  • The one who faces the Scientist of row - 2 is an immediate neighbour of E. Only one per-son sits between E and the Pi-lot. 
  • W sits second to the right of Z. Y does not face G. The Scientist of row-1 faces the Engineer of row - 2. 
  • G faces one of the immediate neighbours of the Doctor of row-2. The Doctor of row-2 does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. Z is not a Doc-tor. 
  1. Which of the following represents the people sitting at extreme ends of both the lines ? 
    1. F, H and X, Y 
    2. F, H and Z, W 
    3. G, E and Z, X 
    4. E, H and X, Z 
    5. G, E and W, Y 
  2. Who amongst the following sits to the immediate left of Pilot of row-1 ? 
    1. The Doctor of row-1 
    2. The Engineer of row - 1
    3.  F 
  3. Which of the following represent both the immediate neighbours of Y ? 
    1. Z and the Scientist of row-2
    2. X and the Engineer of row-2 
    3. W and the Doctor of row-2
    4. X and the Pilot of row-2 
    5. W and the Pilot of row-2 
  4. Which of the given statements is true with respect to the given arrangement ? 
    1. G is a Scientist.
    2. Y sits to the immediate right of X. 
    3. F and Z face each other. 
    4. None of the given statements is true
    5. The Engineer of one row faces the Doctor of another row. 
  5. If Y and X interchange their places, so do H and Z, then who amongst the following will face E ? 
    1. W
    2. Other than those given as options 
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IBPS RRB Officers Scale I Previous Question Paper - Reasoning (Seating Arrangement) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 3, 2016 sponsored links Friends, here we are sharing complete Seating Arrangement (Reasoning) questions asked in IBPS RRB Officers Scale I Exam...

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