How to solve Reasoning Aptitude Section for IBPS PO Mains Exam 2016

November 14, 2016    

Dear Aspirants,

The Mains Exam of IBPS PO 2016 is soon approaching. We hope your preparations are in full force by now. Today, we are sharing with you all, some important tips that would be helpful while attempting the Reasoning Ability section in this exam.

reasoning for ibps po mains

Reasoning Ability is a major part of the mains exam. 50 questions would be asked from this topic and 40 minutes would be available to attempt this section. Before we talk about this section in depth, a clear idea of the exam structure is a must.

po mains exam pattern
If we have a look at the previous year exam analysis of IBPS mains exam, 4 – 5 sets of Puzzles and Arrangements were asked. Besides this, set of 5 question each from Syllogism, Data Sufficiency, Input – Output and 10 questions from Logical Reasoning were also asked.
Let us now go through each topic individually.

Puzzles / Seating Arrangements

This topic forms a major portion of the Reasoning Ability section of the IBPS PO Mains exam. Hence it is imperative that the basics of this topic are clear to you. These questions may be asked in the following forms –

  • Linear Arrangement
  • Circular Arrangement (inward, outward or both side facing)
  • Square/Rectangular Arrangement (inward, outward or both side facing)
  • Combination of the above three with puzzles.

While attempting these questions, keep following things in mind –

  • Do not be intimidated by the size or the language of the question.
  • Read the entire question carefully. Every detail required to form the arrangement is mentioned in the question, you just need to observe properly and implement all the facts logically.
  • Remember, even when combined with puzzles, the approach of the question will still remain the same as that of normal seating arrangement.
  • Consider all the possible scenarios which may be formed as per the given question. A lot of the possibilities will cancel out as you move forward with the question.
  • Practice. That is the only way you can expect to ace this topic.

You can go through the links below in order to understand this topic better –

How to solve Puzzles and Seating Arrangement


Syllogism as you all are well aware is a major topic of the Reasoning Ability Section. Syllogism basically is a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two or more given or assumed propositions (premises). You need to deduce the given statements and arrive at a conclusion or check if the the conclusions provided are in accordance with the statements given in the question. The most appropriate and easy way to attempt these questions is by the Venn Diagram Approach.

How to solve Syllogism

Data Sufficiency

Data Sufficiency aims at testing your reasoning and logical ability.While attempting these questions, remember that you do not need to calculate the exact result, you just need to make sure if the data provided is sufficient to reach the answer. So, utilise your time carefully in this topic. Read all the data provided carefully and accordingly process it first individually and then combined to analyse which piece of information would be sufficient to answer the question.
To understand this topic better, you can go through the link below –

How to solve Data Sufficiency

Input – Output

Many students often find this topic quite time – consuming. However, if you understand the correct approach, you’ll find this topic quite easy. Here, a set of data is provided to you and several steps are given after that explaining how that data is processed. You need to identify the pattern in which the information is processed and then using the same pattern evaluate the answer for the question. The good thing about this topic is that it is asked in a set of 5 questions, so if you get the arrangement right, you can easily score 5 marks from this topic. To clear the basics of this topic, you can go through the link below –

How to solve Input – Output

Statement and Assumption

Apart from the above topics, questions are also asked from topics like Statement and assumption, Statement and course of action etc. This topic again aims to test your logical ability. This topic often scares many students, but if you understand the right approach, you will find this topic doable. To clear the basics of this topic, you can go through the link below –

How to solve Statement and Assumption

Apart from these topics, try to brush up some miscellaneous topics as well including Blood Relations, Direction based questions, Order and Ranking and Inequalities (Direct as well as coded) so that you are well prepared for any surprises that might be thrown your way.
While attempting this topic, try to go through the less time consuming topics first or the topics you are most confident about.

Key takeaways for Reasoning Section –

  • Time Management- This is very essential from the exam point of view and will eventually play a key role in determining your score. Analyse your weak and strong areas and manage your time accordingly. The time allotted to each and every topic should be according to your weaker and stronger areas. 
  • Speed and Accuracy – Speed plays a vital role since questions can be tricky to understand at times and hence may be time consuming. You need to be alert while attempting these questions to ensure high accuracy, as options at times can be misleading.
  • Try to practice as many mock tests as you can. This will help you work on your speed, accuracy and time management.
  • Make sure you evaluate your performance after every mock tests to identify the sections you are lagging at.
  • Attempt the questions calmly. If you panic by looking at the length or the language of the question, you are bound to make mistakes and waste precious time.

All the best for you exams..

Team GradeUp..!!.

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How to solve Reasoning Aptitude Section for IBPS PO Mains Exam 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 14, 2016 Dear Aspirants, The Mains Exam of IBPS PO 2016 is soon approaching. We hope your preparations are in full force by now. Today, we are shari...

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