How to crack IBPS RRB PO MAINS 2016?

November 25, 2016    

Dear readers,
As we all know exam date for IBPS RRB PO Mains is released i.e. on 11th of December. So, guys you only left with 16 days for IBPS RRB PO mains and these days are really very important to add value in your preparation. There is very thin line between the people who clear exam and who do not and i.e. strategy. Other than studying, practicing, and going thorough all study material the most important thing is that to make proper strategy and work accordingly. And to help you with this we are here. Strategy is how you should attempt your exam, what to cover first, where not to stuck and what to practice more.
“Strategy is a pattern in a stream of decisions”
There will be a set of 200 questions from the sections viz.
Reasoning Ability - 40 Questions (50 marks)
Quantitative Aptitude - 40 Questions (50 marks)
English Language - 40 Questions (40 marks)
General Awareness – 40 Questions (40 marks)
Computer – 40 Questions (20 marks)
Each question will have 5 options out of which, you need to select your answer. And there will be a penalty of 1/4 for each wrong answer. The duration of examination will be of 2 hour.
Now let us discuss about the Strategy and paper pattern for individual section.
English:  At first your approach should be to clear sectional cut off. So, attempt those questions first which you think you can do without mistakes. We will suggest to attempt the cloze test at first, then go for single or double fillers, then attempt the synonym and antonyms. After that go for error detection. Then solve para-jumbles. Then proceed to the new type of questions which may include odd one out sentence, suitable phrase to connect the sentences etc. Attempt the Reading Comprehension questions in the end as it may take much time to read and understand the comprehension.
But, for those candidates who are weak in English language - must attend the RC as though it may be quite time consuming but chances of correct answers are more in these questions. 
As we know English of banking exams is more based on your reading skills so improve it by daily reading relevant thing rather than mastering yourself in grammar as you don’t have that much of time. 
Quantitative Aptitude: At first your approach should be to clear sectional cut off. A decent number of attempts with accuracy is important to qualify this exam. As weight-age to the Numerical Ability is more so you should prepare well for these sections. Attempt the easier questions first which can be solved in lesser time. You can start with simplification, then proceed to quadratic equations. After that attempt Number series. Then go for Data Interpretation. As these topic cover upto only 70% of paper. In the last, attempt miscellaneous questions that can be from various topics like Percentage, Average, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Time & Work and Work & Wages, Pipes and Cisterns, Allegation or Mixtures, Simple Interest, Compoud Interest, Permutation and Combination, Probability, and Mensuration. And also these word problems are more time consuming as compare to topic suggested to attempt first. 
Reasoning Ability: Same your approach should be to clear sectional cut off. Then try to secure good marks in this section as this section is scoring one if you have control over basics. You can start from any of the questions which you feel is easy for you. Practice more and more puzzles because weightage of puzzles is more.
If you brush up your skills in Blood Relation, Coding-Decoding, Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series, Alphabets and Ranking, Direction and Inequalities you can easily score marks in these questions. Yes, you just need to understand their concept once and as their logic is very generalized, it is easy for a student to attempt questions of these topics. Your aim should be of 100% accuracy in these topics of reasoning. Then comes Machine Input-Output and Syllogism. These topics are not very difficult but questions can be tricky. If you practice well, you certainly can grab that easy mark from these two topics.
As far as Logical Reasoning, Seating Arrangement and Puzzles are considered nothing can be said for sure and only practice can save you in questions from these topics. Among these topics Seating Arrangement can be relatively easy. You’ll need right presence of mind to solve questions from these topics and they also come with an advantage. Almost every time a puzzle comes with 4-5 questions, and if you’re able to solve it correctly, you’ll get those 4-5 marks instantly. But don’t get too engrossed in these in the actual examination as you’ll have other questions to attempt as well. If you feel they are too time consuming, a smart choice will be to skip them and invest your valuable time in other questions or other section.
General Awareness: General Awareness is a section in banking examination that may make or break your deal because this is the section in which you can score good if you start studying seriously from today. This basically comprises of three main section i.e. Banking awareness, Static awareness, and Current affairs. In general awareness, you can only do one thing i.e. learn by heart as there is no short cut for this you must read newspaper daily go through bankersadda quizzes of banking, static, and current affairs. Practice them daily and in this revision is most important as if you don’t revise day to day to will forgot what you read yesterday. Now let us discuss topic of each section separately.
1.   Banking Awareness and Current Affairs related to Banking: Banking Awareness and Current Affairs related to Banking, Capital Market, Money Market,   Different Stages of the Development of Indian Banking, Reserve Bank of India, SEBI, RBI Decides to Circulate ‘Plastic Notes’,  RBI to Withdraw Bank Notes Issued Prior to 2005, Government Starts Re-printing of Re. 1 Note from January 1, 2015 , Composition of Banking System in India,  RBI Recommends for Reducing Govt. Stake in Banks, RBI’s Monetary Policy,  NBFCs,  ‘Indradhanush’ Strategy to Revamp PSU Banks, BASEL norms,  Negotiable Instrument, SEBI, MUDRA Bank, Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks, RRBs, Foreign Sector Banks, NPAs, NPCI/BBPS, Important committee in Banking, IDBI, SIDBI, NABARD, EXIM Bank, Payments Bank, Small Banks, IBA, World Bank/IMF/IDA/ADB/NDB/IBRD/AIIB, Bank Board Bureau (BBBs), Credit card/Debit card/ Smart card etc, PMMY/PMJDY/Financial Inclusions, RBI’s Policy Rates.
2. Current Affairs:  Current affairs of last 3-4 months is really important as maximum questions comes from this. It cannot be said that all questions will be form last 3-4 months only but yes maximum questions will be form last 3-4 months. Important topic that you should defiantly cove in this section are Economy, Business, Defense, Sports, Obituaries, Awards, Agreement, Appointments, National News, International News, Book and Authors, Important Days, and Miscellaneous.
3. Static Awareness: This section is very vast and to cover this whole in just 16 days is next to impossible task. So, to cover this in 16 days you need to work smartly on this. You can do that static portion which are directly or indirectly was in news in past 3-4 months. Major topic for this section are Dams and rivers, National parks and sanctuaries, Headquarters of banks and various financial organization, Country, currency and capital, folk dances, Governor and chief minister of states, Power plants, Union cabinet ministers and their constituency, and Important days.
Computer Awareness: As this section is regarding Computer 'awareness' not 'aptitude' it is expected that the type and level will be moderate. Computer Awareness is a scoring section for you all. Yes! with accuracy you can easily score very good marks in this section and you need to study all these topics briefly. Each topic in it is a subject in itself, so it's very important that you know what to study and how much to study. To help you with this we already provide you capsule for IBPS PO Mains that will be beneficial in IPBS RRB PO mains. t covers all the important chapters with all that brief knowledge that is required for you from examination point of view. So if you are confused or going with the hearsay of other, just stop there, take a deep breath and its all simplified for you in the Computer Capsule.
Use this 384 hours as the last 384 hours of your life.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. 
Time management is a big issue for many students. In IBPS examination you must choose wisely which question to attempt and which question to leave. Ultimately you have to manage to clear sectional cut off as well as the cut off for the whole examination. And there is only one good way to quickly understand time management for bank exams by practicing with Test Series. Remember maintaining accuracy throughout the paper is also the key to score good marks in Banking examination. Attempt  more and more Speed test and then analyses it and work on your weak areas.

To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. 

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How to crack IBPS RRB PO MAINS 2016? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 25, 2016 Dear readers, As we all know exam date for IBPS RRB PO Mains is released i.e. on 11 th of December. So, guys you only left with 16 days ...

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