English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 53

November 6, 2016    

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  1. Petulant is 
    1. Gloomy
    2. Trivial
    3. Peevish
    4. Grudging
    5. Talkative
  2. What is the meaning of addenda ?
    1. Cheap
    2. From the origin
    3. List of additions
    4. From the beginning
    5. To the end
  3. To be a willing horse is to be 
    1. A beast of burden
    2. Very coarse
    3. A willing worker
    4. Very healthy
    5. Very amusing
  4. To knock off is to 
    1. Impersonate
    2. Be calm
    3. Be very angry
    4. Dislike something
    5. To cease activity
  5. A knuckle-head is a person who is 
    1. Serious
    2. Stupid
    3. Calm
    4. Industrious
    5. Rare
  6. A person who hates marriage is known as 
    1. A rebel
    2. A criminal
    3. A misogamist
    4. A misogynist
    5. An ambivert
  7. To flaunt is to 
    1. Jump
    2. Run
    3. Parade
    4. Hide
    5. Count in tens
  8. To nettle is to 
    1. Annoy
    2. Catch
    3. Escape
    4. Archive
    5. Incur
  9. What is the meaning of in transitu ?
    1. Gone away
    2. In transit
    3. Manner of working
    4. A journey of pleasure 
    5. A journey by plane
  10. A hatred of reasons or reasoning is known as
    1. Anti-reason
    2. Misology
    3. Misoneism
    4. Misanthrope 
    5. Misogynist
Shared by Amrita Rajnish
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English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 53 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 6, 2016 sponsored links Petulant is  Gloomy Trivial Peevish Grudging Talkative What is the meaning of addenda ? Cheap From the or...

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