sponsored links
- The science of biology studies
- Marble stones
- Plant life
- All living matter
- Only insects
- Urban life
- An ass, being the name of an animal, can also mean
- A jolly person
- A fat person
- A puzzle
- A foolish person
- A clever person
- The science of geology studies
- The oceans
- The physical qualities of the earth
- Old castles
- The role of aviation in the progress of man
- The effects of wars on man
- A bear, being the name of an animal, can also mean
- A powerful man
- A lean person
- A bad-tempered person
- A good-natured person
- A happy-go-lucky man
- Match the lists
- To root out
- To run faster than
- A rapid outflow
- To exceed in volume of sales
- To surpass in excellence
- a. Outrush
- b. Outsell
- c. Outshine
- d. Outroot
- e. Outrun
- Another word for affair is
- Love
- Event
- Beauty
- Frighten
- Sex
- What is the meaning of addenda ?
- Cheap
- From the origin
- List of additions
- From the beginning
- To the end
- Which of the following has been misspelt ?
- Abduct
- Abstain
- Excet
- Excess
- Postpone
- A blue baby is
- An infant who dies of poisoning
- An infant born with heart or lung defects
- Mentally retarded
- Extremely handsome
- Liked by all
- Choose the right word so that the lists match
- Have something to do with
- Concern
- Connect
- Concerning the right and the wrong of things
- Decent
- Moral
- Concerning God
- Wholly
- Holy
- In this way
- May be
- Thus
- To keep carefully
- Preserve
- Collect
- Have something to do with
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