Daily Current Affairs-24th November 2016

November 24, 2016    

Dear Readers, we are presenting Daily Current Affairs for All Exams- 24th November 2016.
 Daily Current Affairs

1. Airtel launches India’s first Payments Bank service in Rajasthan
1. Airtel Payments Bank Limited or Airtel Bank became the first payments bank in the country to launch live banking services in Rajasthan. 
2. The pilot phase of the Airtel bank launched in Rajasthan aims at testing systems and processes ahead of a full scale pan Indian launch.
3. Airtel Payments Bank is a subsidiary of Bharti Airtel Limited. Mahindra Bank holds 19.9% stake in it. Airtel retail outlets across Rajasthan will act as banking points. They offer a range of basic, convenient banking services as per Payments Bank guidelines issued by RBI.

2. Malini Subramaniam wins 2016 CPJ International Press Freedom Award
1. Indian journalist Malini Subramaniam won the International Press Freedom Awards given by Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City.
2. Along with Subramaniam, three other journalists won the prestigious award. They are Mahmoud Abou Zeid from Egypt, Can Dündar from Turkey and Oscar Martinez from El Salvador.

3. China launches Tianlian I-04 satellite
1. China successfully launched the Tianlian I-04 satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre in Sichuan province of Southwest China.
2. This data satellite was launched on a Long March-3C carrier rocket. The launch of the Tianlian I-04 marks the 241st mission of China's Long March series of rockets.

4. CCEA approves setting up of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas in 62 districts
1. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 23 November 2016 approved the setting up of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) in 62 uncovered districts with an outlay of Rs 2871 crore.
2. The expenses for this purpose will be Rs 109.53 crore during the 12th Plan with the total outlay of Rs 2761.56 crore from the year 2017-18 to 2024-25. 

5. IAF’s Upgraded Jaguar DARIN III aircraft receives IOC
1. The upgraded Jaguar DARIN III twin-seat aircraft has received Initial Operation Clearance (IOC). It is considered as a significant milestone for the country’s military aviation sector. 
2. The satisfactory completion of IOC was announced by Deputy Chief of IAF, Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria who had flown the aircraft at HAL airport in Bengaluru.
3. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has upgraded 3 DARIN I Standard Jaguars to DARIN III Standard. The aircraft is now equipped with world class avionics system.

6. NABARD to disburse Rs 21,000 crore to farmers for Rabi Season
1. The Union Government has allowed National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to disburse Rs 21,000 crore to help cash-starved farmers to sow Rabi crops. 
2. The money will be disbursed by NABARD to District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) which will enable them to pass on grant funds to the primary agriculture cooperatives. The farm cooperatives will further pass it to farmers for meeting crop loan requirements in Rabi season. 
3. Besides, banks also have been asked to ensure regional rural banks (RRBs) and district cooperative banks have required cash available to satisfy the sowing needs of farmers.

7. South Indian Bank launches contactless debit card
1. South Indian Bank has announced the launch of its contactless debit card. The Near Field Communication (NFC) technology makes the contactless cards very secure, as the card does not leave the cardholder’s possession.
2. Customers can also opt to use their card as a normal CHIP card and transact in a ‘contact’ mode too. Once the merchant enters the purchase amount in the contactless PoS terminal, the customer simply has to just wave the card on the terminal and the payment is processed wirelessly in a fast and secure manner.
3. With the fast changing digital banking in the Indian market and RBI’s recent guidelines of promoting PIN-less small ticket transactions, South Indian Bank believes that the contactless technology in cards will be the next big revolution in digital banking in the country.

- http://www.examguruadda.in/2016/11/daily-current-affairs-24th-november-2016.html
Daily Current Affairs-24th November 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 24, 2016 Dear Readers, we are presenting   Daily  Current Affairs for All Exams- 24th November 2016. 1. Airtel launches India’s first...

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