A very good morning to all,…
Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.
Article : Reign in Spain
Click here to read article from THE HINDU
Meaning of the words highlighted in the article
1. Socialist (noun) (समाजवादी) – a person who advocates or practises socialism
Synonyms – autonomous, communal
Ex: He is a Socialist.
2. Premier (adjective) (प्रधान)– first in importance, order, or position, leading
Synonyms – champion, inaugural
Antonyms – inferior, subordinate
Ex: Germany’s premier rock band.
3. Caustically (noun) (कठोरता से)– capable of burning, corroding, or destroying living tissue
Synonyms – acerbically, sneeringly
Ex: He started to laugh again, caustically.
4. Unprecedented (adjective) (अभूतपूर्व)– never done or known before
Synonyms – singular, exotic
Antonyms – common, familiar
Ex: The Internet has erased distance and given people unprecedented access to each other.
5. Impasse (noun) (गतिरोध) – a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement, a deadlock
Synonyms – corner, quandary
Antonyms – solution, agreement
Ex: There are a number of possible approaches to this impasse.
6. Endured (verb) (सहा)– suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently
Synonyms – tolerate, sustain
Antonyms – halt, retreat
Ex: He endured that pain just for us.
7. Prolonged (adjective) (पृष्ठभूमि) – continuing for a long time or longer than usual, lengthy
Synonyms – continued, delayed
Antonyms – shortened
Ex: The meeting was prolonged because we were waiting for our boss to arrive.
8. Austerity (noun) (तपस्या) – sternness or severity of manner or attitude
Synonyms – rigor, gravity
Antonyms – informality, calmness
Ex: Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.
9. Reminiscent (adjective) (याद ताजा) – tending to remind one of something
Synonyms – implicative, similar
Antonyms – forgetful, oblivious
Ex: In the photograph, it is obvious the toddler is very reminiscent of her mother at that age.
10. Reconciliation (noun) (सुलह) – the restoration of friendly relations
Synonyms – accord, harmony
Antonyms – disagreement, dissension
Ex: It is a great act of healing and reconciliation.
Word of the Day
Meaning (English) – courteous and polite
Meaning (Hindi) – सभ्य
Synonyms – domestic, national
Antonyms – impolite, unkind
Example – The kids on the train were screaming, yelling and not hardly seeming to be civil.
उदाहरण – ट्रेन पर जो बच्चें थे वे चिल्ला रहे थे, चीख रहे थे और बिल्कुल भी शिष्ट नहीं लग रहे थे।
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