A Unique way to learn Vocab: Green farms and clean air

November 4, 2016    

A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.

Article : Green farms and clean air

Click here to read article from THE HINDU

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article

Daily Wordlist

1. Cascading (verb) (व्यापक) – (of water) pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities

Synonyms – descend, plunge

Ex: The lottery winner realized being rich came with a cascade of troubles that included greedy relatives.

2. Initiatives (noun) (पहल)– the ability to assess and initiate things independently

Synonyms – ambition, enterprise

Antonyms – apathy, inactivity

Ex: We are partnering with our clients on these initiatives.

3. Anxiety (noun) (चिंता)– a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome

Synonyms – misery, shivers

Antonyms – advantage, assurance

Ex: Anxiety can get the better of people who otherwise are very calm-mannered individuals.

4. Depriving (verb) (वंचित)– prevent (a person or place) from having or using something

Synonyms – bankrupt, dismantle

Antonyms – construct, indulge

Ex: The defendant screamed that he would not allow the judge to deprive him of his right to a fair trial.

5. Crippling (verb) (गंभीर) – cause (someone) to become unable to walk or move properly

Synonyms – stifle, injure

Antonyms – assist, encourage

Ex: A young student was crippled for life.

6. Fodder (noun) (चारा)– food, especially dried hay or straw, for cattle and other livestock

Synonyms – barley, grain

Ex: I think we’ve given them enough fodder to chew on for awhile.

7. Composting (verb) (खाद) – make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost

Synonyms – breed, germinate

Antonyms – deplete, ignore

Ex: Don’t compost heavily infested plants.

8. Deploy (verb) (तैनात) – move (troops) into position for military action

Synonyms – expand, arrange

Antonyms – disorder, conclude

Ex: The police officer hoped he would not have to deploy his weapon.

9. Abatement (noun) (कमी) – the action of abating or being abated; ending or subsiding

Synonyms – decline, decrease

Antonyms – enlargement, rise

Ex: This trend shows no sign of abatement.

10. Inevitable (adjective) (अपरिहार्य) – certain to happen, unavoidable

Synonyms – impending, assured

Antonyms – avoidable, doubtful

Ex: The changing of the seasons is an inevitable aspect of the Earth’s climate.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – (of a person’s hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy, disordered

Meaning (Hindi) – बिखेरा हुआ

Synonyms – muss, tousle

Example – I was known for my disheveled attire, messy desk and erratic work habits.

उदाहरण – मैं अपनी अस्त-व्यस्त पोशाक, अव्यवस्थित मेज़ और अनियमित कार्य-शैली के लिए ज्ञात था।


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A Unique way to learn Vocab: Green farms and clean air 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 4, 2016 A very good morning to all,… Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight...

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