Trending Vocabulary for SSC and Bank Exam

October 30, 2016    

Trending-Vocabulary-for-SSC-and-Bank-Exam- Word-list-for-Bank-Exams
Meaning: a fictitious name, especially one used by an author.
Synonym: pen name, assumed name, incognito, alias,
Sentence: "I wrote under the pseudonym of Evelyn Hervey"

Meaning: eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight.
Synonym: combative, aggressive, antagonistic, belligerent,
Antonym: peaceable, friendly
Sentence: "the increasingly pugnacious demeanour of right-wing politicians"
Meaning: childishly silly and immature.
Synonym: adolescent, babyish, immature, infantile, jejune, juvenile,
Antonym:  experienced, knowing, smart, sophisticated, worldly, worldly-wise
Sentence: "a puerile argument"
Meaning:acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Synonym: wise, well judged, judicious, sagacious
Antonym: unwise, imprudent, incautious, extravagant
Sentence: "no prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose"
Meaning:(of an action or decision) performed by or affecting only one person, group, 
or country involved in a situation, without the agreement of another or the others.
Synonym: one-party, one-sided
Antonym: multilateral
Sentence: "unilateral nuclear disarmament"
Meaning: the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one's purpose.
Synonym: trickery, deception, deceit,
Sentence: "storylines packed with political chicanery"
Meaning: a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
Synonym: jingoistic, chauvinistic, excessively patriotic
Sentence: "a chauvinist rejection of foreign interference"
Meaning: a man who is the head of an abbey of monks
Sentence: In August 1177 we know that he was abbot of the monastery of Corazzo, near 
Meaning: the state of being somewhat like something but not truly or fully the same thing
Sentence: “ a used-car dealer with only a semblance of honesty”
Meaning: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of 
loss, harm, or failure.
Synonym: threaten, endanger, imperil, menace, risk,
Antonym: safeguard
Sentence: "a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York's position as a financial centre"

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Trending Vocabulary for SSC and Bank Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 30, 2016 1.pseudonym Meaning: a fictitious name, especially one used by an author. Synonym: pen name, assumed name, incognito, alias, Sentence: ...

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