Hello readers!!!!! In one of our previous posts, we discussed the strategies of readings skills. Today we are going to share with you some tips to implement the four strategies, i.e. Skim, Scan, Analyse and Vocabulary to tackle the reading comprehension passage questions.
In the present scenario, we have notices that in reading comprehension, mostly inference based questions, author's views, title of the passage and synonyms-antonyms are asked. So, we are here with some key points to be kept in mind while attempting Reading Comprehension Questions.
- Read the passage thoroughly. You should give a satisfactory and comprehend-able reading to the passage
- Find the main idea of the passage. The main idea generally lies in the first or the last paragraph of the passage. Underline the lines that strikes the main theme of the passage.
- Read the questions without looking at the answers. First try to find the answer from the passage, then look for the alternative that is closely related to the information you opted from the passage.
- If the question is a phrase picked from the passage, the answer lies in the 2-3 lines above or below the given phrase.
- To attempt the questions based on idioms, you must go through the book of idioms once. Because idioms cannot be attempted by hit and trial method. These questions can be only done by your knowledge of phrases and idioms.
- Synonym and antonyms also demand for an extensive vocabulary. If you are unable to find the exact meaning of the word, then read the line in which that word occurred and interpret the meaning. But what we suggest you to expand your vocabulary is reading newspapers, magazines search for new words on internet.
- You can apply two methods to attempt the questions. Either you start reading the whole passage and then attempt the answers or the other things you can do is to read the question first and then look for the related information in the passage.
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