Special Quant Quiz (Arithmetic) SSC CGL Tier-II 2016

October 11, 2016    

Q1. A clock is set right at 1 p.m. If it gains one minute an hour, what is the true time when the clock indicates 6 p.m. the same day?

Q2. What is the angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock at 4 hour 30 minutes?
(a) 35°
(b) 45°
(c) 65°
(d) 60°

Q3. A man standing in one corner of a square football field observes that the angle subtended by a pole in the corner just diagonally opposite to this corner is 60°. When he returns 80 m from the corner, along the same straight line, he finds the angle to be 30°. The length of the field, in m, is:
(a) 10
(b) 20√2
(c) 20
(d) 40√2

Q4. The value of (1 + sec 20° + cot 70°) (1 – cosec 20° + tan 70°) is:
(a) 0
(b) – 1 
(c) 2
(d) 1

Q5. The angle of elevation of the top of a TV tower from three points A,B and C in a straight line through the foot of the tower are α, 2α, and 3α, respectively. If AB = x, then the height of the tower is
(a) x sin⁡2α
(b) x sin⁡3α
(c) x cos⁡2α
(d) x cos⁡3α

Q6. Arun purchased 30 kg of wheat at the rate of Rs. 11.50 per kg and 20 kg of wheat at the rate of Rs. 14.25 per kg. He mixed the two and sold the mixture. Approximately what price per kg should he sell the mixture to make 30% profit?    
(a) Rs. 14.80
(b) Rs. 15.40
(c) Rs. 15.60
(d) Rs. 16.38

Q7. A shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on the marked price of an item but charges a sales tax of 8% on the discounted price. If the customer pays Rs. 680.40 as the price including the sales tax, then what is the marked price of the item?  
(a) Rs. 630
(b) Rs. 700
(c) Rs. 780
(d) None of these 

Q8. A shopkeeper sold sarees at Rs. 266 each after giving 5% discount on labelled price. Had he not given the discount, he would have earned a profit of 12% on the cost price. What was the cost price of each saree?  
(a) Rs. 240
(b) Rs. 260
(c) Rs. 280 
(d) None of these 

Q9. The speeds of three cars in the ratio 5 : 4 : 6. The ratio between the time taken by them to travel the same distance is:
(a) 5 : 4 : 6
(b) 6 : 4 : 5 
(c) 10 : 12 : 15 
(d) 12 : 15 : 10 

Q10. Zinc and copper are melted together in the ratio 9 : 11. What is the weight of melted mixture, if 28.8 kg of zinc has been consumed in it? 
(a) 58 kg 
(b) 60 kg 
(c) 64 kg 
(d) 70 kg 

Q11. What is the sum of digits of the least number, which when divided by 52 leaves 33 as remainder, when divided by 78 leaves 59 as remainder and when divided by 177 leaves 98 as remainder?  
(a) 21
(b) 27
(c) 17
(d) 36

Q12. The product of two relatively prime numbers is 143. Find their HCF.
(a) 3
(b) 9
(c) 13
(d) 1

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

Q14. Find the number of bricks, each measuring 24 cm x 12 cm x 8 cm, required to construct a wall 24 m long, 8m high and 60 cm thick, if 10% of the wall is filled with mortar?
(a)  35000 
(b)  45000
(c)  55000 
(d)  65000

Q15. How many bricks each measuring 25cm x 11.25cm x 6cm, will be needed to build a wall 8m x 6m x 22.5cm
(a)  5600 
(b)  600
(c)  6400 
(d)  7200

   Answers will be Provided Soon.....

Special Quant Quiz (Arithmetic) SSC CGL Tier-II 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 11, 2016 Q1. A clock is set right at 1 p.m. If it gains one minute an hour, what is the true time when the clock indicates 6 p.m. the same day...

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