SBI Clerk 2016 Success Story (Mohan)

October 29, 2016    

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Hi banking aspirants.My name is Mohan.Today iam going to share my journey of getting SBI clerk.
I had a very big story please excuse me. I am from a small village in Khammam district of newly formed Telangana state. My category is ST. My parents are doing Agriculture. I am graduated (Engineering) from a local college in my own district with 75% in the year 2014. Then as many my classmates I would also like to join GATE classes but due to some financial problems i was joined in Bank classes instead of GATE without any interest on banking sector.

After taking two months coaching i had left with no money to stay in Hyderabad. Then I moved back to home town and started my own preparation. My exams in 2014 are as follows
  • SBI clerk got 70 only written cut off was 108 for category.
  • RRB clerk got 99 but unable to clear both GA and English.
  • IBPS PO got 51 and english section went cut off was 56.
  • IBPS clerk got 80 cut off was 102
  • SBI associate PO unable to clear written cut off.
After seeing these worst performance of mine am got frustration but never gave up my preparation. Then another year 2015 came
               Next SBI associate clerk my first exam which i cleared written cut off and went for my first interview. As i  got only 110 in written cut off was 108 my interview went completely bad i got only 20 marks out off 35.When final result came i was kicked off from selection as i got only 130 but the cut off was 140.
                Next i continuously cleared four exams RRB PO and CLERK and IBPS PO prelims and clerk prelims and started preparing for mains.Finally able to clear both exams and attended for interview with this  2015 is also over.The first day of   2016 left me sad because again same result failed in final selection of both RRB PO and CLERK. This result kicked me in more depression but have never lose hope.
                After waiting for three months very hardly in my life finally the result day came. On April 1st first time i prayed the god to be selected in at least one. When i put my reg no and password and submitted result for IBPS PO guess what happened again same story not selected in final by 0.9 and the same day evening the clerk results came but this time neither am failed nor succeeded but placed in reserve list.
               This result put me in more depression as i was scolded by my father first time in my life for not being selected not even in one post since from two years.With this i would like to quit bank exams and foolishly decided ran away from home to somewhere am not joking this is really happened.And came to Hyderabad asked my friend for money and stayed in room with that. 
        When SBI clerk notification came i filled it from Andhra Pradesh as vacancies were more there compared to my state and started preparing for that as I would like to prove my self once. After clearing prelims with 64.25 marks i had little hope to clear mains also.With that positive hope gave mains on June 25th first shift but able to attempt only 125  with good accuracy. As the result is being delayed i am losing hopes but finally the day of results came when i entered my roll no in pdf list my eyes getting teared by seeing my roll no. Then i immediately called my mom as i am not talking with my father and told that good news. She also becomes emotional.
Thanks to Gr8AmbitionZ for giving me this opportunity.
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SBI Clerk 2016 Success Story (Mohan) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 29, 2016 sponsored links Hi banking aspirants.My name is Mohan .Today iam going to share my journey of getting SBI clerk. I had a very big story...

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