Reasoning Quiz SSC CHSL 2016

October 9, 2016    

Q1.Select the related word from the given alternatives:
Words : Sentence :: Paragraph: ?
(a) typing
(b) essay
(c) letters
(d) phrase

Q2.Select the related letters from the given alternatives:
(a) VWXY
(b) UWMX
(c) VXWY
(d) UWNX

Q3.Select the related numbers from the given alternatives:
9 : 162 :: 8 : ?
(a) 96
(b) 112
(c) 128
(d) 160

Q4.Find the odd word from the given alternatives.
(a) Apartment
(b) Garage
(c) Quarter
(d) Flat

Q5.Find the odd letters from the given alternatives.
(a) BDF
(b) GIK
(c) LMO
(d) OQS

Q6.Find the odd number from the given alternatives.
(a) 521
(b) 2945
(c) 4868
(d) 7187

Q7.Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary
1. Diffident 
2. Difficult 
(a) 1,2,3,4
(b) 3,2,4,1
(c) 2,1,3,4
(d) 3,2,1,4

Q8.A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
(a) SXQ
(b) RWQ
(c) SUQ
(d) RXP

Q9.A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
(a) 42
(b) 51
(c) 81
(d) 91

Q10.If 4 cats can kill 4 rats in 4 minutes, how many minutes will it take 8 cats to kill 8 rats?
(a) 8
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 16

Q11.If the sum of three consecutive numbers is 15, what is the square of the middle number?
(a) 16
(b) 25
(c) 36
(d) 9

Q12.From the given words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word: ILLUSTRIOUS
(a) Lust
(b) Trust
(c) Riot
(d) Rust

Q13.If A=1,
then MAN=?
(a) 27
(b) 90
(c) 180
(d) 182

Q14.If 'P' means '+', 'Q' means 'x', 'R' means '÷', and 'S' means '-',
then 44Q9R12S6Q4P16=?
(a) 25
(b) 36
(c) 112
(d) 12

Q15.If 84+96=4842,
Then 36 + 78 = ?
(a) 3918
(b) 3678
(c) 3819
(d) 1839





Reasoning Quiz SSC CHSL 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 9, 2016 Q1.Select the related word from the given alternatives: Words : Sentence :: Paragraph: ? (a) typing (b) essay (c) letters (d) phrase...

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