Q 1.Select the related word from the given alternatives:
(b) SOFA
(c) BOAT
Q 2.Select the related letters from the given alternatives:
(a) SRQP
(b) QPON
(c) RQPO
(d) PONM
Q 3.Select the related numbers from the given alternatives:
381 : 160 : :478 : ?
(a) 347
(b) 357
(c) 247
(d) 257
Q 4.Find the odd word from the given alternatives.
(a) Affluent
(b) Rich
(c) Prestigious
(d) Well-to-do
Q 5.Find the odd letters from the given alternatives.
(a) OMQ
(b) TPR
(c) TRV
(d) VTX
Q 6.Find the odd number pair from the given alternatives.
(a) 8-11
(b) 1-4
(c) 7-10
(d) 3-5
Q 7.Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary.
1. Launch
2. Laugh
3. Lattice
4. Latent
5. Latitude
(a) 4,5,3,2,1
(b) 4,3,5,1,2
(c) 4,5,1,2,3
(d) 4,5,1,3,2
Q 8.A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
(a) OLJ
(b) LNK
(c) LPP
(d) OLM
Q 9.A series is given, with one term missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.
(a) 14
(b) 8
(c) 11
(d) 15
Q 10.A & B are married couple. X and Y are brothers. X is the brother of A. How is Y related to B ?
(a) Brother-in-law
(b) Brother
(c) Son-in-law
(d) Cousin
Q 11.A is shorter than B but taller than C. D is shorter than A but taller than C and E is shorter than B but taller than A. The shortest person is ?
(a) B
(b) C
(c) A
(d) D
Q 12.From the given words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word: DISSERTATION
Q 13.If A = 1,
E = 5,
then HEAR = ?
(a) 38
(b) 32
(c) 31
(d) 30
Q 14.If P denotes +, Q denotes -, R denotes '÷', and S denotes ×, then: 18S36R12Q6P7 = ?
(a) 115
(b) 65
(c) 55
(d) 25
Q 15.Some equations have been solved on the basis of certain system. Find the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis.
If 98-39-27=32, 87-38-34=15, then 79- 25-12 = ?
(a) 51
(b) 22
(c) 42
(d) 15
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