Quant Quiz- Data Interpretation

October 24, 2016    

Directions (Q. 1 - 5): Read the table carefully to answer the questions that follows:

Percentage wise share distribution is given of different companies P, Q, R, S and T out of the total shares

1. Total shares sold by companies P, R and T in year 2001 is what percentage of the total share of company R ?
1) 24.67
2) 21.67
3) 25.67
4) 28.67
5) None of these

2. What is the average share sold by all the companies in year 2004 ?
1) 175
2) 160
3) 165
4) 155
5) None of these

3. What is the difference of share sold by companies P, T and Q in year 2005 together and same in year 2004 ?
1) 205
2) 204
3) 206
4) 305
5) None of these

4. What is the average share sold by company R in all the years together ?
1) 298
2) 200
3) 198
4) 398
5) None of these

5. Total no. of shares sold by companies P, Q and S in 2003 together ?
1) 493.5
2) 393.5
3) 593.5
4) 429
5) None of these

Direction (Q. 6 - 10): Read the line graph carefully to answer the questions below:

6. What is the total number of students hired by TCS for all centres ?
1) 2150
2) 2350
3) 2450
4) 3000
5) None of these

7. Total no. of students heired by all the companies for Indore centre is ?
1) 2500
2) 2400
3) 2450
4) 2300
5) None of these

8. What is the difference between total number of students heired by all the companies for lucknow centre and Indore centre?
1) 950
2) 850
3) 900
4) 925
5) None of these

9. What is the average no. of students heired by TCS for all centres taken together?
1) 530
2) 630
3) 430
4) 420
5) None of these

10. What is the difference between total no. of students hired by all companies for Indore and average no. of students for the same?
1) 1825
2) 1925
3) 1725
4) 2025
5) None of these


1. 2

(30 + 50 + 50)/600 * 100 = 130/2 = 21.67

2. 3

(40 + 50 + 450 + 105 + 180)/5 = 165

3. 2

(24 + 150 + 300) - (40 + 50 + 180) = 204

4. 3

(50 + 40 + 240 + 450 + 210)/5 = 198

5. 2

(96 + 140 + 157.5) = 393.5

6. 1

(450 + 200 + 500 + 350 + 650) = 2150

7. 4

(350 + 600 + 650 + 700) = 2300

8. 3

(2300 - 1400) = 900

9. 3

2150/5 = 430

10. 3

(2300 - 2300/4) = 1725

- http://www.examguruadda.in/2016/10/quant-quiz-data-interpretation.html
Quant Quiz- Data Interpretation 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 24, 2016 Directions (Q. 1 - 5): Read the table carefully to answer the questions that follows: Percentage wise share distribution is given of diffe...

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