Para Jumbles: Moderate Level

October 18, 2016    

para jumbles
Directions: In the following exercise, the first and last sentence of a paragraph is given as S1 and S6. The remaining sentences of the paragraph are jumbled in various parts, i.e. P, R, R and S. Rearrange these four parts into a logical order to make a coherent paragraph.
S1: The mother tongue is the true vehicle of mother wit.
P: Another medium of speech may bring with it a current of new ideas.
Q: It is through the vernacular that the new conceptions of mind should press their way to birth in speech.
R: But the mother tongue is one with the air in which a man is born.
S: This is almost universally true, except in cases so rare as to emphasis the general rule.
S6: A man's native speech is almost like his shadow, inseparable from his personality.
S1: Egypt is located in North-East of Africa.
P: The land should be productive.
Q: It is on the coast of Mediterranean Sea.
R: The most important thing is not just the area
S: Its area is almost four times that of England
S6: Egypt is mostly desert or semi-desert.
S1: Life is hazardous.
P: And prey have evolved adaptations that reduce the risk of being eaten.
Q: Many animals are killed and eaten by other animals.
R: And many predators die from starvation because they fail to secure prey.
S: Predators have continued to evolve adaptations that enable them to locate and kill prey.
S6: Everything points to a special kind of arms race with elaborate strategies and counter strategies for attack and defence.
S1: Music, like literature, is an art that deals with sound.
P: Literature makes use of words which are sounds.
Q: They also have meanings
R: And the writer must be concerned with the effect produced by the sounds he uses.
S: But the words are not only sounds.
S6: They refer to specific things other than themselves such as objects and ideas.
S1. Several sub-cities have been planned around the capital.
P: Dwarka is the first among them.
Q: They are expected to alleviate the problems of housing.
R: It is coming up in the South-West of the capital.
S: It will cater to one million people when completed.
S6: Hopefully the housing problem will not be as acute as present after these sub-cities are built.
S1: Urban problems differ from State to State and city to city.
P: Most of the cities have neither water nor the required pipelines.
Q: The population of these cities has grown beyond the planners' expectations.
R: However, certain basic problems are common to all the cities.
S: Only broad macro-planning was done for such cities, without envisaging the future growth and this has failed to meet the requirements.
S6: There is no underground drainage system in most cities and the narrow historical roads are already congested.
S1: He took two cigarettes from my case.
P: But when the fit of coughing was over, he replaced it between his lips.
Q: He lit one of them and placed it between the lips.
R: Then with the feeble hand he removed the cigarette.
S: Slowly he took a pull at it and coughed violently.
S6: Then he continued to draw on it.
S1: Widowhood in India used to be specially miserable.
P: There are widows even in ages ranging from five to ten.
Q: A widow was a widow always.
R: However, several communities began to rebel against the ill-treatment of widows.
S: She could not marry again however tender in age she might be.
S6: Today nobody looks upon remarriage of widows with disgust and disapproval.

S1: It is very easy to acquire bad habits.
P: If we do not continue to do it, we feel unhappy.
Q: The more we do a thing, The more we tend to like doing it.
R: The force of habit should be fought against.
S: This is called the force of habit.
S6: Even good things should be done time to time only.
 a. QPSR

S1: The similarity between the human body and a machine is rather superficial.
P: Beyond that, comparison fails.
Q: No machine grows in size; no machine sees, hears or feel.
R: It can be summed up in the statement that both require fuel and oxygen and obtain energy.
S: No machine thinks.
S6: The point of difference far outweigh the point ofresemblance.

Answer key

1. c
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. a
8. d
9.  a
10. c 
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Para Jumbles: Moderate Level 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 18, 2016 Directions: In the following exercise, the first and last sentence of a paragraph is given as S1 and S6. The remaining sentences of the p...

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