Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions with Detailed Explanation

October 3, 2016    

Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions Set-22:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IBPS PO Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.

1).In a certain code language, ’col tip mot’ means ‘singing is appreciable’; ’mot baj min’ means ‘dancing is good’ and ‘tip nop baj’ means ‘singing and dancing’, which of the following means ‘good’ in that code language?
a)    Not
b)    Min
c)    Baj
d)    Indeterminable
e)    None of these
2).In certain code language, ‘pre nat bis’ means ‘smoking is harmful’ ; ‘vog dor nat’ means ‘avoid harmful habit’ and ‘dor bis yel’ means ‘please avoid smoking’, which of the following means ‘habit’ in that code language?
a)    Vog
b)    Nat
c)    Dor
d)    Bis
e)    None of these
3).If in a certain language MYSTIFY is coded as NZTUJGC, how is NEMESIS coded in that language?
4).If in certain language FORGE is coded as FPTJI, how is CULPRIT coded in that language?
5).If SHAHRUKH could be given the code number 94, what code can be given to AMIRABH?
a)    104
b)    94
c)    45
d)    54
e)    72
Directions (Q.6-10) : Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a group of 5, each person has an exclusive and different preference (has/like) for a pen, a watch and a car. Pen preferences are Parker, Lamy, Pointer, Lexi and Cello. Car preferences are Innova, Baleno, Alto, Scorpio and Ciaz. Watch preferences are Timex, Titan, Fastrack, Samay and Citizen.
Suganth has Scorpio and Parker but does not prefer among watches-Titan or Fastrack. The one who has Baleno, likes Fastrack. Dhanya  has preference for Ciaz, Cello and Citizen. Amir has preference for Lamy and Timex. Renu prefers Innova and Lexi. Vimal’s preference for a watch is not Titan.
6).Which watch is Suganth’s preference?
a)    Titan
b)    Fastrack
c)    Samay
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
7).Which pen is Vimal’s preference?
a)    Lamy
b)    Pointer
c)    Lexi
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
8).Which watch is Vimal’s preference?
a)    Samay
b)    Fastrack
c)    Timex
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
9).Who’s preference is Baleno?
a)    Vimal
b)    Amir
c)    Renu
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
10).Which watch is Renu’s preference?
a)    Samay
b)    Fastrack
c)    Titan
d)    Cannot be determined
e)    None of these
1).b)  2).a)  3).b)  4).c)  5).d)  6).c)  7).b)  8).b) 9).a) 10).c) 
1).In the first and second statements, the common code word is ‘mot’ and the common word is ‘is’. So, ‘mot’ means ‘is’. Similarly ‘baj’ and ‘dancing’ in the second and third statements. Thus, in the second statement, ‘min’ means ‘good’.
Answer: b)
2).In the first and second statements, the common code word is ‘nat’ and the common word is ‘harmful’. So, ‘nat’ means ‘harmful’. Similarly ‘dor’ and ‘avoid’ in the second and third statements. Thus, in the second statement, ‘vog’ means ‘habit’.
Answer: a)
3).Each letter in the word MYSTIFY is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the codes So, in NEMESIS, N will be coded as O, E as F and so on thus the code becomes QFNFTJT.
Answer: b)
4).Here,  the first letter in the word FORGE remains same and second, third, fourth and fifth letters are moved one, two, three, and four steps forward.
Answer: c)
5).S + H + A + H + R + U + K + H =19 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 18 + 21 +11 + 8 = 94
Thus, A + M + I+ T +A + B + H =1 + 13 + 9 + 20 + 1 + 2 + 8 =54
Answer: d)
Directions (Q. 6-10):
6).Suganth likes Samay.
Answer: c)
7).Vimal Prefers pointer.
Answer: b)
8).Vimal prefers Fastrack watch
Answer: b)
9).Vimal prefer Baleno
Answer: a)
10). Renu prefers Titan
Answer: c)

More Practice Reasoning Questions for IBPS PO - Click Here  

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Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions with Detailed Explanation 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 3, 2016 Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions Set-22: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upco...

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