Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions with Detailed Explanation

October 1, 2016    

Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions Set-20:
Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upcoming IBPS PO Exams was given here with explanation, candidates those who are preparing for those exams can use this practice questions.

Directions (Q. 1-3): A family consists of six members A, B, C, S, T and U. B is the son of C but C is not Mother of B. A and C are a married couple, T is the brother of C. S is the daughter of A. U is the brother of A.
1).How many children does A have?
a)    One
b)    Two
c)    Three
d)    Four
e)    Indeterminable
2).How many female members are there in the family?
a)    One
b)    Two
c)    Three
d)    Four
e)    Indeterminable
3).How is B related to S?
a)    Husband
b)    Father
c)    Brother
d)    Uncle
e)    Indeterminable
Directions (Q. 4-5): Surya starts his journey from his school & moves 10m towards east. Then he takes a left & moves 2m, then takes a right and moves 22m distance and stops. Then he takes a left & moves 24m distance and reaches a joint X, Then he turns towards his right and walks 26m distance then again he takes a right and walks 28m distance and reaches a point Y.
4).How much distance has he travelled from his school?
a)    352m
b)    256m
c)    370m
d)    252m
e)    332m
5).In which direction point Y is located with respect to his school.
a)    North-east
b)    East
c)    South-east
d)    South
e)    South-West
Directions (Q. 6-8): A coded statement is followed by two conclusions. Decode the statement and conclusion
The symbols have to be decoded as follows:
A(a) B means A is smaller than B.
A (b) B means A is greater or equal to B.
A (c)B means A is greater than B.
A (d) B means A is equal to B.
A (e) B means A is shorter or equal to B.
a)    If only conclusion I is true
b)    If only conclusion II is true
c)    If conclusion I or conclusion II is true
d)    If neither conclusion I not conclusion II is true
e)    If both conclusions are true
6).Statement :D(e)K, K(c)P, P(b)Q
Inference: I. K(b)Q
7).Statement: S(c)R, R(d)T, T(a)V
Inference: I. V(a)S
8).Statement : N(a)L , L(d)P, P(e)H
Inference: I. L(e)N
Directions (Q. 9-10):  In each of the following questions the symbols $, % and & have been used having their meaning as
M @ N means M is greater than N
M # N means M is smaller than N
M $ N means M is not greater than N
M % N means M is not shorter than N
M & N means M is equal to N
Assuming the statement given in each of the following question as true, deduce, which of the given five alternatives is definitely true?
9).Statement :2A @ 4C, 4A & 6B
a)    C & B
b)    C % B
c)    C # B 
d)    C @ B
e)    C $ B
10).Statement : 4B & 6C,4A @ 2C
a)    B # A
b)    B @ A
c)    B % A
d)    B $ A
e)    B & A
1).b  2).b  3).c  4).a  5).c  6).d  7).d  8).e  9).c  10).a
Directions (Q. 1-3): B is the son of C but C is not the mother. So, C is the father of B. A is married to C. So, A is the wife of C and the mother of B. S is the daughter of A and hence of C and so she is the sister of B. T is the brother of C and U is the brother of B.
1).Clearly, B is the son of A and S is the daughter of A. So, A has two children.
Answer: b)
2).There are two females only-mother A and daughter S.
Answer: b)
3).S is the sister of B who is male. So, B is brother of S.
Answer: c)
Directions (Q. 4-5): Refer to the following figure.

4). Total distance he travelled from his house = 10+2+4+16+64+256=352m
Answer: a)
5). Point Y located in South-east direction with respect to his school.
Answer: c)
6).D ≤ K, K > P, P≥ Q
Or, K≥D, K > P, P ≥ Q
Or, K > D, K = D> P, P ≥ Q
OR, K > P ≥ Q , K =D > P ≥ Q
Thus, I and II both are not true.
Answer: d)
7).S > R , R = T, T<V
Or, S > R =T, V > R = T
Thus, conditions I and II both are not true
Answer: d)
8).N<L, L = P, P≤ H
Or, L>N, L= P, H≥ P
Or,L = P > N,H≥P = L
Answer: e)
9).2A > 4C, 4A =6B => 4A > 8C,4A = 6B
Or,4A = 6B > 8C
i.e. B > C or C<B. Thus, C#B.
Answer: c)
10).4B =6C, 4A > 2C => 4B = 6C,12A > 6C
Or,12A > 4B dr. B < A. thus, B # A

Answer: a)

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Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions with Detailed Explanation 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 1, 2016 Mission IBPS PO 2016- Practice Reasoning Questions Set-20: Dear Readers, Important Practice Reasoning Questions with explanation for Upco...

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