English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 49

October 31, 2016    

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  1. The meaning of fragrance is 
    1. Unethical
    2. Illegal
    3. Perfume
    4. Stench
    5. Bleeching
  2. A frail person
    1. Walks with a limp
      English Word Power Quiz
    2. Does not like jokes
    3. Is weak willed
    4. Speaks in whispers
    5. Eats only non-vegetarian food
  3. The meaning of franchise is 
    1. An agreement
    2. Distrust 
    3. Comedy
    4. Privilege
    5. A kind of wooden mesh
  4. The meaning of frenzy is 
    1. Sexual inadequacy
    2. Fury
    3. Madness
    4. Light-heartedness
    5. Gimmick
  5. The opposite of imprison is 
    1. Confine
    2. Separate
    3. Combine
    4. Free
    5. Chain
  6. The opposite of privation is 
    1. Wealth
    2. Riches
    3. Sufficiency
    4. Aloofness
    5. Sociable
  7. The opposite of probity is
    1. Unprobity
    2. Rascal
    3. Improbity
    4. Attentive
    5. Honesty
  8. Which of the following means show the way to ?
    1. Manage
    2. Guide
    3. Wise
    4. Control
    5. Question
  9. Which of the following are the correct plurals for new born ?
    1. New born
    2. New borne
    3. Newly born
    4. New borns
    5. Newly born individual
  10. Mark TRUE or FALSE, as the case may be :
    1. A fig is a very small quantity. 
    2. When we cannot get something, we call it extremely sweet grapes.
    3. In a nutshell means briefly.
    4. A good thing is called a plum.
    5. To turn your back on someone is to make him completely independent. 
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English Word Power Quiz for Competitive Exams - Set 49 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 31, 2016 sponsored links The meaning of fragrance is  Unethical Illegal Perfume Stench Bleeching A frail person Walks with a limp ...

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