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Hello everyone, in our Lesson 51, we learnt about the prefix Para. Para represent the meanings beside; distinct from. Today we shall see the prefix per. Happy Reading :)
Day 52 : Per
- Per - through; entirely
Let's try to understand this with some examples
- perfect (adjective) = complete and without faults or weaknesses
- per - Prefix = through
- fect (facere) - Root = do
- percent (noun) = the parts in the hundred
- per - Prefix = through
- cent (centum) - Root = hundred
Let's have a look at some more words with per prefixes, for better understanding.
- perambulate - to walk “through” a place or area
- perceive – to understand
- percentage – rate of interest
- perceptive – able to notice or understand things quickly and easily
- perennial - of coming up “through” the years
- perfidy - act of going “through” another’s trust
- per annum – for each year
- perforate - to punch or bore holes “through” a material
- perfunctory - of just getting “through” something
- perish - to go completely “through” a lifetime
- perjury - swear “through” an oath
- permanent - a staying “through”
- permeable - capable of passing “through”
- permission - act of sending “through” a request
- permit - to send “through” a request
- person - one who sounds “through” a face
- perspire - to have sweat breathe “through” your skin
- pervasive - of going “through”
Home Work :
Try to guess the meanings of the following elements.
- -pater
- -memor
- -norm
- -multi
Shraboni Chakraborty
Asstt. Professor
English and Foreign Languages University,
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