English Quiz(Sentence Improvements) For IBPS Exam 2016

October 1, 2016    

Directions (1-15): Improve the bold part in each of the following sentences, if needed.
Q1. He hesitated to listen to what his brother was saying.
(a) listened to hesitate
(b) hesitated listen to
(c) hesitates to listening
(d) is hesitated to listen to
(e) No correction required

Q2. The player was asked that why he had not attended the prayer.
(a) why had he not
(b) that why had he not
(c) why he was not
(d) why he had not
(e) No correction required
Q3. This is one of the most important inventions of this century.
(a) invention of this century
(b) invention of these centuries
(c) inventions of centuries
(d) inventions of the centuries
(e) No correction required

Q4. Can you tell me why did you not speak the truth?
(a) why did not you speak
(b) that why did you not speak
(c) why you did not speak
(d) why did you not spoke
(e) No correction required
Q5. They are not beware of all the facts.
(a) are not aware for
(b) are not aware of
(c) are not to be aware
(d) must not beware for
(e) No correction required
Q6. Why did you not threw the bag away?
(a) did you not throw
(b) had you not threw
(c) did you not thrown
(d) you did not thrown
(e) No correction required
Q7. You can always dependent of them.
(a) depend on them
(b) be dependant with them
(c) dependant upon them
(d) be depend on them
(e) No correction required
Q8. If he has to spend five hours in the queue, it was really a wastage.
(a) is a really wastage
(b) is real a wastage
(c) has really a wastage
(d) is really a wastage
(e) No correction required
Q9. The moment they saw me, they were delight.
(a) had delighted
(b) were delighted
(c) are delighted
(d) have been delighted
(e) No correction required
Q10. The small child does whatever his father was done.
(a) has done
(d) had done
(e) No correction required
Q11. She asked him that why he was unwilling to go with her.
(a) why he was
(b) why that he was
(c) why was he
(d) that why he had been
(e) No correction required
Q12. May I know who did accompany you to the bus station?
(a) whom did accompany you
(b) whom did you accompany
(c) who accompanied
(d) whom you accompanying
(e) No correction required
Q13. The fast train came a halt to before crossing the bridge.
(a) came before to a halt
(b) came to halts before a
(c) came before a halt to
(d) came to a halt before
(e) No correction required
Q14. He was one of the greatest astrologers of his time.
(a) astrologer of his times
(b) astrologers of its time
(c) of astrologer in his times
(d) of his time astrologer
(e) No correction required
Q15. Why did you not spoken to me earlier?
(a) were you not spoken
(b) did you not speak
(c) you did not speak
(d) did you not spoke
(e) No correction required
S1. Ans.(e) 
Sol. No correction required. We use ‘to + first form of the verb with hesitate’.

S2. Ans.(d) 
Sol. why he had not. ‘that’ will not be used with ‘why’.

S3. Ans.(e) 
Sol. No correction required. The given sentence is grammatically correct.  

S4. Ans.(c) 
Sol. why you did not speak. Statement form of the sentence will be used after ‘why’. Means subject + verb.

S5. Ans.(b) 
Sol. are not aware of. ‘beware’ is a verb while ‘aware’ is an adjective.  

S6. Ans.(a) 
Sol. did you not throw. We use first form of the verb with (do, does, did)

S7. Ans.(a) 
Sol. depend on them. ‘dependent’ is an adjective.

S8. Ans.(d) 
Sol. is really a wastage.

S9. Ans.(b) 
Sol. were delighted. In passive form, we use past participle.

S10. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  Does. Present tense verb will be used.

S11. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  why he was. ‘that’ will not be used with ‘why’. Subject will be used before ‘verb’.

S12. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  who accompanied you’.

S13. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  came to a halt before. Is correct word order.

S14. Ans.(e) 
Sol.  No correction required. The given sentence is grammatically correct.  

S15. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  did you not speak. Use base form of the verb with ‘did’.


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English Quiz(Sentence Improvements) For IBPS Exam 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 1, 2016 Directions (1-15): Improve the bold part in each of the following sentences, if needed. Q1. He hesitated to listen to what his brother w...

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