Directions (1-15): Find out the error, if any.
Q1. The Conference is to start at 9.30 a.m. with the introductory speech of the Minister.
(a) The Conference is to
(b) start at 9.30 a.m.
(c) with the introductory
(d) speech of the Minister.
(e) No Error
Q2. No sooner did Minati reach the station then it started raining.
(a) No sooner did
(b) Minati reach
(c) the station then
(d) it started raining.
(e) No Error
Q3. Broadly speaking in a layman’s language disability can be classified by two groups namely mental and physical.
(a) Broadly speaking in a layman’s language
(b) disability can be
(c) classified by two groups
(d) namely mental and physical.
(e) No Error
Q4. The unskilled class of workers are the most exploited class under the present labour contract system.
(a) The unskilled class of
(b) workers are the
(c) most exploited class under
(d) the present labour contract system.
(e) No Error
Q5. The issues were so critical that they could hardly be resolved upon such a limited time.
(a) The issues were
(b) so critical that they
(c) could hardly be resolved
(d) upon such a limited time.
(e) No Error
Q6. As compared with last year, the production of this factory is not satisfactory.
(a) As compared with
(b) last year, the production
(c) of this factory
(d) is not satisfactory.
(e) No Error
Q7. No sooner did she reach the station, then it started raining.
(a) No sooner did
(b) she reach
(c) the station, then
(d) it started raining.
(e) No Error
Q8. In the meeting hold last month all other members were present than Vinay.
(a) In the meeting
(b) hold last month
(c) all other members were present
(d) than Vinay.
(e) No Error
Q9. He dared to go at the blast site so as to see his colleagues.
(a) He dared to
(b) go at the
(c) blast site so as
(d) to see his colleagues.
(e) No Error
Q10. A committee comprising of eminent members from various technical institutions was set up.
(a) A committee comprising
(b) of eminent members
(c) from various technical institutions
(d) was set up.
(e) No Error
Q11. Everyone is requested to attend the dinner party hosted by the party president.
(a) Everyone is requested
(b) to attend the
(c) dinner party hosted by
(d) the party president.
(e) No Error
Q12. When I receive the letter, the date for the interview was already over.
(a) When I receive
(b) the letter, the date
(c) for the interview
(d) was already over.
(e) No Error
Q13. Had the opportunity been given to him he will have proved successful.
(a) Had the opportunity
(b) been given to him
(c) he will have
(d) proved successful.
(e) No Error
Q14. The Chairman approved the recommendations of the committee with partial modification.
(a) The Chairman approved
(b) the recommendations
(c) of the committee
(d) with partial modification.
(e) No Error
Q15. The person whom you met yesterday is one of my best friend.
(a) The person whom
(b) you met yesterday
(c) is one of
(d) my best friend.
(e) No Error
S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.
S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Write ‘than’ in place of ‘then’. No sooner is followed by than.
S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. Use preposition ‘in’.
S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Write singular verb ‘is’.
S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. Use ‘within’ in place of ‘upon’.
S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. Use ‘the production of ‘before ‘last year’.
S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Write ‘than’ in place of ‘then’. No sooner is followed by than.
S8. Ans.(b)
Sol. Write ‘held’ in place of hold’.
S9. Ans.(e)
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.
S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Preposition ‘of’ will not be used after ‘comprise’.
S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.
S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. Write ‘received’.
S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘he would have been’.
S14. Ans.(e)
Sol. The given sentence is grammatically correct.
S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. Write plural ‘friends’.
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