Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016

October 2, 2016    

Meaning: the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir
Synonym: chemistry
Sentence:"occult sciences, such as alchemy and astrology"

2. Alacrity
Meaning: brisk and cheerful readiness
Synonym: eagerness, willingness, readiness
Sentence: "she accepted the invitation with alacrity"
3. Austere
Meaning: severe in manner
Synonym: exacting, formal, cold
Antonym: flexible, bland, calm
Sentence:Quickly the light died out of his face, leaving it stern and austere.
4. Apostate
Meaning: Traitor
Synonym: Backslider, defector, deserter
Antonym: adherent, loyalist, faithful
Sentence:after fifty years as an apostate he returned to the faith
5. Vacillation
Meaning: fluctuation
Synonym: hesitation, doubt, indecision
Antonym: certainty, sure
Sentence: I vacillate between the red truck and the blue one
Meaning: Causing trouble,
Synonym: inflammatory, dangerous
Antonym: loyal, peace making
Sentence: His team continued to clear the building and toss flares into corners as they sought out any living insurgents or incendiary devices.
7. Pliability
Meaning: Adaptability of mind or character
Synonym: flexible, ductile, elastic
Antonym: not flexible, hard
Sentence:"he was valued for his reliability and pliability"
8. Enormity
Meaning: Horribleness
Synonym: depravity, evil
Antonym: delight, esteem
Sentence:He turned over and closed his eyes, as if to reflect on its enormity.
Meaning: Money or goods contributed to the poor
Synonym: dole, donation, assistance
Antonym: hindrance, injury
Sentence:She stopped, gave him an alms and then continued on her way.
Meaning: A conversation especially a formal one
Synonym: parley, conference, clambake
Antonym: quiet, silence
Sentence:They could scarcely have spoken a hundred words before their colloquy was at an end.

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Daily Wordlist for IBPS/Other Bank Exam 2016 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 2, 2016 Meaning: the medieval forerunner of chemistry, concerned with the transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base ...

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