Computer Quiz

October 31, 2016    

Dear Readers, we are presenting Computer Quiz for upcoming Bank Exams. Computer section play important role in scoring.

Try to solve these computer questions. If any doubt ask in comment section. We will provide more questions in upcoming posts.

1. A process known as ........ is used by large retailers to study trends?
1. Data mining
2. data selection
3. POS
4. data conversion
Ans- 1

2. Which of the following devices typically attaches to a parallel port?
1. keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Moniter
4. Printer
Ans- 4

3. What is the top level domain name of the following URL
1. http
2. www
3. yahoo
4. .com

4. MS-Dos is a ........... operating sysytem?
1. point and click
2. user- friendly
3. command-driven
4. Mac
Ans- 3

5. The geometric arrangement of devices on the network is called...........?
1. Topology
2. Media
3. URL
4. Protocol
Ans- 1

6. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called.......?
1. Web
2. LAN
3. Internet
4. Workgroup
Ans- 3

7. What is the other name of LAN card?
1. Modem
2. Network connector
3. Internet card
4. NIC
Ans- 4

8. The...... button on the quick access Toolbar allows you to cancel your recent commands or actions?
1. Search
2. Undo
3. Cut
4. Document
Ans- 2

9. WHich of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations?
1. ROM
2. RAM
4. All of these
Ans- 2

10. Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?
1. Laser printer
2. Ink jet printers
3. Plotter
4. Dot matrix printer
Ans-  3

Computer Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 31, 2016 Dear Readers, we are presenting Computer Quiz for upcoming Bank Exams. Computer section play important role in scoring. Try to solve the...

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