A very good morning to all,…
Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.
Article : Terror returns to Quetta
Click here to read article from THE HINDU
Meaning of the words highlighted in the article
1. Restive (adjective) (अशांत) – (of a person) unable to remain still, silent, or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction
Synonyms – Fractious, Fretful
Antonyms – obedient, relaxed
Ex: The crowd had been waiting for hours and many were becoming restive.
2. Province (noun) (प्रांत)– a principal administrative division of a country or empire
Synonyms – capacity, division
Antonyms – avocation, retreat
Ex: The province is rich in mineral resources.
3. Strike (verb) (धरना)– hit forcibly and deliberately with one’s hand or a weapon or other implement
Synonyms – drive, force
Antonyms – surrender, lose
Ex: Factory workers are on strike because they want bonus.
4. Indiscriminately (adverb) (अंधाधुंध)– in a random manner, unsystematically
Synonyms – aimlessly, madly
Antonyms – carefully, sensibly
Ex: People who are sedentary and who eat indiscriminately.
5. Recurring (verb) (आवर्ती) – occur again periodically or repeatedly
Synonyms – persist, return
Antonyms – halt, stop
Ex: The most recurring answer.
6. Retreated (verb) (पीछे हट)– (of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat
Synonyms – abandon, reverse
Antonyms – advance, continue
Ex: The army must retreat and the order to do so must be given.
7. Resurgence (noun) (पुनरुत्थान) – an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence
Synonyms – recovery, rebound
Antonyms – failure
Ex: A resurgence of interest in religion.
8. Assault (verb) (हमला) – make a physical attack on
Synonyms – invasion, offensive
Antonyms – retreat
Ex: Didn’t he know that his brutal assault proved nothing?
9. Hobnobbing (verb) (दोस्ती करना) – mix socially, especially with those of perceived higher social status
Synonyms – consort, socialize
Antonyms – disagree
Ex: I hate hobnobbing with the rich and famous.
Word of the Day
Meaning (English) – a small blister on the skin
Meaning (Hindi) – छाला
Synonyms – sore, bubble
Example – One day, as he was bathing her, a bleb of shampoo had streamed into her eye, and she had kept a hand pressed to it for the rest of the day, quailing away from him whenever he walked past.
उदाहरण – एक दिन, जब वह अपनी बेटी को नहला रहा था, तो शैम्पू का एक बुलबुला उसकी आंख में चला गया, और उसके बाद दिन भर वह एक हाथ से अपनी आंख को दबाए रही और वह जब भी पास से गुज़रता तो उससे दूर हटती रही।
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