Hi Readers,
Always remember that competition is increasing day by day. Every minute you waste is the minute some other candidate would be solving a question and gain an edge over you. So start right now, work hard for the time that is left and make it a reality. All the best !
IBPS PO is round the corner. This is high time to practice more and more, clear all the doubts, make a strategy so that you can go to the exam and nail it hard. This is not the time to think about past failures rather to analyze them, re-correct yourself and execute.
It is all the more important to face any exam with a right bent of mind. Following are some suggestions to keep you up in the fighting mode & achieve your dreams:
Believe in Yourself
If you won't, who else will? There is a famous quote by Robin Sharma: "Your I CAN is more important than your IQ". So say out aloud, you can. If your seniors, batch mates & juniors can do it, there is nothing out there to stop you from achieving it.
Stop thinking & Start doing
This has always been a difference between people who keep on thinking and those who just do it & the latter, for sure, step up the ladder early. I would like to quote Theodore Roosevelt here:
"Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right"
Work on your mistakes
Everybody makes mistakes. Einstein made them, Sachin Tendulkar did. What matters is how early you learn from them. Practice all types of questions and make as many mistakes as you can today so that there are nothing more left to make in the main exam.
Let your fears guide you
We're all afraid and its natural to be. Too much competition & high cut offs have indeed made this process an uncertain one. But those who qualify and stand first in the merit are the ones who moved along their fears, befriended them & defeated them later. Let it motivate you, push you & make you face it head on. Nelson Mandela once quoted: "The brave man is not he who doesn't feel afraid but he who conquers that fear"
Plan & Plan well
Having a well defined plan streamlines your efforts and puts you in a commanding position. Calculate the no. of days left and chalk out a plan with topics to be done each day. Prioritize your weaknesses when you still have the time and move towards your strengths as the exam approaches. Mix up the subjects if you can't study one thing for the whole day.
Tests & Feedback
Give as many mock tests as you can. Target a 10% increase in scores with each test. If you want to crack it, crack it handsomely not marginally. Let them give you a feedback about your weak areas and work on it for the rest of the day so that its not there the next day. We do commit silly mistakes in the exam which, sometimes cost us dearly. Let's not leave any scope for that. The topper might have as much knowledge as you do but he would given lots of tests and improved drastically with that.
What you do today matters
Don't waste time thinking about your past or how much time and emotions you invested. Rational decision making asks you to disregard the costs incurred till date. Only the assessment of future costs and benefits counts. You have today with you, for sure. Future may or may not be, depending on how you utilize this day.
Always remember that competition is increasing day by day. Every minute you waste is the minute some other candidate would be solving a question and gain an edge over you. So start right now, work hard for the time that is left and make it a reality. All the best !
Quote of the day
"What I think I have been able to do well over the years is play with pain, play with problems, play in all sorts of conditions." - Roger Federer.
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