SBI, IBPS, RBI, Insurance and Other Bank Exam Preparation » SBI, IBPS, RBI, Insurance and Other Bank Exam Preparation

September 12, 2016 Get all you need for Banking and Insurance Exam Preparation (IBPS PO, IBPS, LIC AAO) Mon, 12 Sep 2016 07:33:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mon, 12 Sep 2016 07:33:43 +0000 Dear Readers

As you all know, SBI PO exam is over and next most important exam in banking is IBPS PO which is going to held in month of October.  We will start focusing on IBPS PO Mains 2016 Exam. Thus, we are providing you important Quiz on Quantitative Aptitude which will help you to get a perfect score in the IBPS PO & Other Banking Exams.


Gradeup has launched  IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of  21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.

Attempt Free Test Now


]]> 0 Mon, 12 Sep 2016 06:03:14 +0000 IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) has released the notification for the post of Clerk. Today is the last day of Online Registration. Those candidates who have not apply for this exam till now, please apply now to avoid server failure or problem.

Here is the link to Apply Online – 

Apply Online: IBPS Cerk VI 2016

Important Dates:

Online Application starts on: August 22, 2016

Online Application Ends on: September 12, 2016

The tentative date of Prelims Exam is 26 & 27 Nov and 3rd & 4th December 2016.

Date of Mains Exam is – 31 December 2016 & 1st January 2017. 

Click here for Official Notification


Team GradeUp

]]> 2 Mon, 12 Sep 2016 05:00:09 +0000 Dear Readers

As you all know, next most important exam in banking is IBPS PO which is going to held in month of October & November. Thus, we are providing you Important English Quiz on Cloze Test which will help you to get a perfect score in the IBPS PO & other Banking Exam 2016.


Gradeup has launched  IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of  21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.

Attempt Free Test Now


]]> 14 Mon, 12 Sep 2016 03:50:50 +0000 Dear Aspirants,

The financial & banking awareness is an important part of General Awareness section in all banking & insurance exams. To score good marks in this section you must have knowledge about banking and financial news. So, we are providing you a quiz which will help you in your preparation.

]]> 25 Mon, 12 Sep 2016 01:30:41 +0000 A very good morning to all,…

Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.

Article : Making A.P. special

Click here to read article from THE HINDU

Meaning of the words highlighted in the article


1. Bifurcation (noun) (विभाजन) – the division of something into two branches or parts

Synonyms – division, complication

Antonyms – juncture, union

Ex: It is also described as a bifurcation of two twigs, mental and bodily creation out of a common root.

2. Modalities (noun) (तौर-तरीकों)– modal quality

Synonyms – manner, technique

Ex: The harmony had a touch of modality.

3. Mandated (verb) (अनिवार्य)–give (someone) authority to act in a certain way

Synonyms – dictated, decreed

Ex: My most trusted advisor chose not to attend his mandated meeting?

4. Terrain (noun) (इलाक़ा) – a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features

Synonyms – province, contour

Antonyms – sky

Ex: They were delayed by rough terrain.

5. Emphasis (noun) (ज़ोर)– special importance, value, or prominence given to something

Synonyms – insistence, accent

Antonyms – lethargy, triviality

Ex: Its fundamental characteristic is the emphasis laid upon human reason

6. Imminent (adjective) (आसन्न)– about to happen

Synonyms – expectant, probable

Antonyms – distant, escapable

Ex: They were in imminent danger of being swept away.

7. Alliance (noun) (संधि)– a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations

Synonyms – affinity, collusion

Antonyms – hatred, rebellion

Ex: Must keep our alliances strong by delivering the water from the Springs!

8. Robust (adjective) (मजबूत)– (of an object) sturdy in construction

Synonyms – boisterous, potent

Antonyms – fragile, wobbly

Ex: Of robust frame and distinguished appearance, he possessed great courage and military capacity.

Word of the Day


Meaning (English) – (of the state or an authority) take (property) from its owner for public use or benefit

Meaning (Hindi) – ज़ब्त करना

Synonyms – arrogate, annex

Antonyms – reject, distribute

Example – The Spanish constitution declared the country “a democratic republic of workers of all classes” and laid down that property might be expropriated “for social uses”.

उदाहरण –  स्पेन के संविधान ने देश को “हर वर्ग के कर्मियों का एक लोकतान्त्रिक जनतंत्र” घोषित कर दिया और कहा कि “सामाजिक आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति के लिए” सम्पत्ति का हरण किया जा सकता है।

]]> 14 Sun, 11 Sep 2016 15:30:06 +0000 As you know Computer is a very important section to get a good score for Bank. Thus, we are sharing with you Computer questions for your better preparation which is very important and you can expect similar questions in the exam.

Gradeup has launched  IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of  21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.

Attempt Free Test Now

]]> 64 Sun, 11 Sep 2016 14:30:44 +0000 As you know Current Affairs is a very important section to get a good score for Bank and other Exams. Thus, we are sharing with you Current Affairs and G.K. questions for your better preparation which is very important and you can expect similar questions in the exam.

Gradeup has launched  IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of  21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.

Attempt Free Test Now

]]> 38 Sun, 11 Sep 2016 12:30:00 +0000 Dear Aspirants

English is considered a monster section by most of the Banking Aspirants. Also it has been found that even after a good quality of preparation, it is difficult to score cent percent.


In this post, we particularly are emphasizing on the Reading Comprehension topic, which constitutes maximum number of questions in any Banking Exam. Subsequently in this post we will analyze the approach, and strategize to score better in this section.

Reading Comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning. In addition, RCs are aimed at testing a candidates Knowledge of two elements i.e. Vocabulary and Text Comprehension.

And it is interesting to note that both these elements play a crucial role in better understanding of the passage i.e. for understanding a text, one must have better knowledge of Vocabulary. But what is more complex and varied out of the above two elements is the Text Comprehension.

The current trend of questions that come in the RC are inference based i.e. the questions are not direct but one has to infer from the given passage. Also there can be one or more conclusions given in the question which are true/false depending on what is asked in the question.

Now let’s move towards the Approach that one should follow while performing a RC in the exam.

The most common suggestion and approach is first read the entire passage and then answer the question that follows. Firstly let’s discuss this approach in detail.

Try to make notes while solving/ reading RCs. It is crucial for locating the appropriate information and also acts as a mental bookmark, thus helping in better understanding of the topic.

While making notes, one must look towards and identify following things:

i) Subject of the passage – which/what is the precise thing the author, is talking about.

ii) Main idea of the passage what the author is saying about the subject.

iii) Tone of the author of the passage which is manner author has adopted in the passage.

As soon as one figure out the above three things and central point of the passage, one will be familiar with the gist [GI – general Idea + S – Structure + T- Tone] of the passage. This will also help you to build a thematic composition and logical sequence of the passage. Thus enable you to answer questions from particular parts of the passage.

But this sole approach is beneficial for the ones who generally read very fast. Then what approach should one follow in a RC, below are the some of the approaches that one must try.

1. Instead of reading the entire passage, read critically the first and last paragraph of the RC. Generally what the author is saying can be identified in the first few lines of the passage, which in case of longer passages becomes roughly 1/3rd of the passage. For the rest passage examine hastily, what the author has said about the subject.

Also for longer passages, try to put down in 10-15 words, for each paragraph, what you feel are the central points of the passage.

2. The next thing in this approach is to identify the structural words that tell you the important Ideas or Transitions in a passage. These structural words play a specific role in a sentence and paragraph. The most common structural words are given below:


These three kinds of words describe three roles that words can play in a paragraph.

For e.g.

Continuity words: The author would support his point of view further.

Contrast words: The author would introduce a contrarian point of view.

Conclusion words: The author would sum up his argument so far.

3. Further try to recognize the words that represent positive and negative role in the passage. These words will let you decide whether the author is for or against the subject. A few examples of such words are given below:


Thus these words help you establish the motive of the author.

4. Whenever a question is asked on a phrase given in the passage, just read the three lines above and below that phrase to have an idea of what is implicit from that phrase.

5. There are around 4-6 questions based on Synonyms and Antonyms, these questions can be answered if you have good vocabulary and if your vocabulary is not good, then read the sentence in which the word is used to get a rough idea of the meaning of the word.

Now let’s discuss how one should attempt RC questions in the Exam. Generally, there are 2 ways in which a RC can be attempted which are given below:

1. PQ Approach (passage first, then the questions)

  • Read the entire passage thoroughly first and then read the questions
  • Skim & Scan through the passage and keep going back and forth with questions and passage
  • Read the first 2 paragraphs, scan all the questions and see what you can answer, then read Para 3 & 4, scan the questions and see what you can answer, then read Para 5& 6!!

2. QP approach (questions first, then the passage)

  • Read all the questions with their answer options first and then the passage
  • Read question 1 with all the options, then go through the entire passage to answer it. Then read question 2, go through the entire passage. Then question 3!
  • Just read all the question stems, without reading the answer options. Then read the passage and try answering the questions by reading them with the options.

After practicing all above strategy and approach, here is a list of tips you must follow while doing a RC.

1. Eliminate and not select: In most cases, elimination of choices work better than selection of choices. Here is an approach to eliminate which is ‘BANE’. Eliminate choices that are too broad, too narrow, that are alien (Strange) and too extreme.

2. Never apply your own knowledge to the given passage. Confine your understanding to the given passage only.


Team GradeUp

]]> 17 Sun, 11 Sep 2016 07:30:34 +0000 Dear Readers

As you all know, SBI PO exam is over and next most important exam in banking is IBPS PO which is going to held in the month of October.  We will start focusing on IBPS PO Mains 2016 Exam. Thus, we are providing you important Quiz on Reasoning which will help you to get a perfect score in the IBPS PO & Other Banking Exams.


Gradeup has launched  IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of  21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.

Attempt Free Test Now


]]> 38 Sun, 11 Sep 2016 06:00:02 +0000 Dear Readers

As you all know, SBI PO exam is over and next most important exam in banking is IBPS PO which is going to held in month of October.  We will start focusing on IBPS PO Mains 2016 Exam. Thus, we are providing you important Quiz on Quantitative Aptitude which will help you to get a perfect score in the IBPS PO & Other Banking Exams.


Gradeup has launched  IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of  21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.

Attempt Free Test Now


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SBI, IBPS, RBI, Insurance and Other Bank Exam Preparation » SBI, IBPS, RBI, Insurance and Other Bank Exam Preparation 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 12, 2016 Get all you need for Banking and Insurance Exam Preparation (IBPS PO, IBPS, LIC AAO) Mon, 12 Sep 2016 07:33:43 +0000 e...

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