Get all you need for Banking and Insurance Exam Preparation (IBPS PO, IBPS, LIC AAO) Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:40:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:30:30 +0000 Dear Readers
As you all know, SBI PO exam is over and next most important exam in banking is IBPS PO which is going to held in month of October. We will start focusing on IBPS PO Mains 2016 Exam. Thus, we are providing you important Quiz on Quantitative Aptitude which will help you to get a perfect score in the IBPS PO & Other Banking Exams.
Gradeup has launched IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of 21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.
]]> 0 Fri, 23 Sep 2016 07:16:40 +0000 Dear AspirantsIBPS has released the Pre – Exam Training Call Letter for IBPS PO Pre Exam 2016. Candidates can download their Pre – Exam Training Call Letter from below given Links.
Important Date:
- Date of Prelims Online Exam– 16, 22 & 23 October 2016
- Date of Mains Online Exam–20 November 2016
IBPS PO Pre Training Call Letter – Download Here
Team GradeUp….!!
]]> 3 Fri, 23 Sep 2016 06:00:22 +0000 Dear Readers,Keeping in view the Current Affairs questions asked in the competitive exams, today we are providing you the highlights of the International Visits made by our Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi in this year and the various Memorandum of Understanding(MoU’s) signed during his visit.
Prime Minister visited the following countries in 2016 –
- Capital – Brussels
- Currency – Euro
- Visited on 30 March 2016
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. Held talks with Belgian PM Charles Michel
2. Attended 13th India-EU Summit at the invitation of the President of the European Council, Mr. Donald Tusk and the President of the European Commission, Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker.
3. Bilateral Foreign Policy Consultations institutionalized between India and Belgium
4. PM welcomed the progress under the MoU on renewable energy between the competent Belgian authorities at federal and regional levels and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy of India
5. PM welcomed the technical activation of an optical infrared telescope in Devasthal in India, jointly developed by ARIES (Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences) of India and the Belgian company AMOS (Advanced Mechanical and Optical Systems) as a concrete demonstration of successful collaboration.
- Capital – Washington DC
- Currency – US Dollar
- Visited on 31 March – 1 April 2016
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. Attended the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) aimed at preventing terrorist organisations from acquiring nuclear weapons or material.
- Capital – Riyadh
- Currency – Saudi Riyal
- Visited on 2 – 3 April 2016
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. Visit aimed at enhancing Energy, Security, Trade and well-being of Indian workers.
2. Modi conferred Saudi Arabia’s highest Civilian Honour, Sash of King Abdulaziz Sash
3. Following MOU’s were signed during the visit –
- Agreement on Labour Co-operation between the Ministry of Labour of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India for Recruitment of General Category Workers.
- Technical Cooperation Program between the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO).
- Executive Program for Cooperation in the Field of Handicrafts between the Export Promotion Council for Handicraft (EPCH) in the Republic of India and Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage.
- MoU between Financial Intelligence Unit of India and Saudi Arabia concerning Cooperation in the Exchange of Intelligence related to Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Related Crimes
- Framework for Investment Promotion Cooperation between Invest India and the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA).
- Capital – Tehran
- Currency – Iranian Rial
- PM visited Iran on 22-23 May 2016 at the invitation of President Hassan Rouhani.
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. The visit was aimed at enhancing Connectivity, Trade, Investments, Energy Partnership, Culture and people to people ties.
2. Following MOU’s were signed –
- India-Iran Cultural Exchange Programme (CEP) to extend it for the period 2016-2019 covering the areas of culture and art; radio, TV, mass media and cinema.
- MoU between the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) of Iran on Policy Dialogue between Governments and Interaction between Think Tanks
- MoU between Foreign Service Institute, MEA and the School of International Relations, Iran’s MoFA aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two parties for training of diplomats and exchange of eminent speakers
- Implementation Protocol between Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of S&T and Iran’s Ministry of Science, Research and Technology on Cooperation in the Fields of Science and Technology
- MoU between Indian Council for Cultural Relations and Islamic Culture and Relations Organizations of the IR Iran
- Bilateral contract on Chabahar Port for port development and operations between IPGPL [India Ports Global Private Limited] and Arya Banader of Iran.
- MoU between EXIM Bank and Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization [PMO] on current specific terms for the Chabahar Port project
- MoU between ECGC [Export Credit Guarantee Corporation] Limited of India and the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran (EGFI) supporting and encouraging foreign trade and foreign investment between India and Iran.
- MoU between National Aluminium Company Limited (NALCO) and the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) to explore the possibility of manufacturing aluminium metal by setting up of a smelter on joint venture basis in Iran .
- MoU between IRCON and Construction, Development of Transport and Infrastructure Company (CDTIC) of Iran to provide requisite services for the construction of Chabahar-Zahedan railway line
- MoU for cooperation between the National Archives of India and the National Library and Archives Organisation of the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Capital – Kabul
- Currency – Afghan afghani
- Visited on 4th June 2016.
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. PM along with President Ashraf Ghani jointly inaugurated the ‘Salma Dam’, an Afghan- India Friendship Dam on the river Hari in Chist-e-Sharif in Herat province.
2. Salma Dam project worth Rs.1775 crore was funded by Government of India and took more than ten years to complete.
3. PM awarded with the highest civilian honour of Afghanistan, Amir Amanullah Khan Award.
- Capital – Doha
- Currency – Qatari Riyal
- Visited on 4th June 2016.
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. Had talks with Emir of Qatar, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and PM Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani on bilateral issues to strengthen economic ties and boost the hydrocarbon sector.
2. PM interacted with Indian Community members in Doha.
3. Following MOU’s were signed –
- MoU between National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF), Ministry of Finance, Government of India and Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) to establish framework for facilitating participation of Qatari institutional investors in Infrastructure projects in India under NIIF.
- Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters between the Government of India and Government of the State of Qatar
- MoU between Financial Intelligence Unit – India (FIU-IND) and the Qatar Financial Information Unit (QFIU) concerning cooperation in the exchange of intelligence related to money laundering, terrorism-financing and related crimes.
- MoU between the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, the Government of India and the National Qualifications Authority/Supreme Education Council, Government of the State of Qatar for Cooperation in Skill Development and Recognition of Qualifications
- MoU on cooperation in Tourism between the Government of India and Government of the State of Qatar.
- MOU between India & Qatar for Cooperation in the field of Health the Government of India and Government of the State of Qatar.
- The First Executive Programme for MoU in the field of Youth and Sports between the Government of India and Government of the State of Qatar
- Capital – Bern
- Currency – Swiss Franc
- Visited on 6th June 2016.
- Important Events of the Visit –
1. Switzerland supported India’s bid to NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group) in the bilateral meeting held with the President of Swiss Confederation Johann Schneider Ammann.
We will shortly update the second part of this article containing the remaining visits.
Team Gradeup..!!
]]> 3 Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:15:22 +0000 Dear ReadersAs you all know, next most important exam in banking is IBPS PO which is going to held in month of October & November. Thus, we are providing you Important English Quiz on Reading Comprehension which will help you to get a perfect score in the IBPS PO & other Banking Exam 2016.
Gradeup has launched IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of 21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.
]]> 4 Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:34:41 +0000 Dear Aspirants,The financial & banking awareness is an important part of General Awareness section in all banking & insurance exams. To score good marks in this section you must have knowledge about banking and financial news. So, we are providing you a quiz which will help you in your preparation.
Here we are with our next article based on current news which contains some difficult words, we will highlight and explain those words in order to improve your vocabulary skills and to have a good command on English language section. Hope this will help you with your preparation. From now on we are going to provide the link of the article. You can go through the article by clicking on the link. Below here you will get the 10 important words from the article which will help you to excel in the exam.
Article : 500 and counting
Click here to read article from THE HINDU
Meaning of the words highlighted in the article
1. Infringement (noun) (मील के पत्थर) – the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation
Synonyms – invasion, infraction
Antonyms – obedience
Ex: The infringement of the right to privacy.
2. Academic (adjective) (अकादमिक)– relating to education and scholarship
Synonyms – pedantic, studious
Antonyms – simple, ignorant
Ex: After a year of academic life he tried business again, but in 1840 he gave it up finally and returned to college.
3. Interpreted (verb) (व्याख्या) – explain the meaning of (information or actions)
Synonyms – explained, understood
Ex: The evidence is difficult to interpret.
4. Ensuring (verb) (सुनिश्चित)– make certain that (something) will occur or be the case
Synonyms – clinch, establish
Antonyms – contradict, repudiate
Ex: The client must ensure that accurate records are kept.
5. Barring (preposition) (को छोड़कर) – except for; if not for
Synonyms – excluding, excepting
Ex: The chain at the entrance was still barring.
6. Intellectual (adjective) (बौद्धिक)–relating to the intellect
Synonyms – rational, phrenic
Antonyms – physical, ignorant
Ex: A prominent political thinker and intellectual.
7. Legislation (noun) (विधान)– laws, considered collectively
Synonyms – enactment, statute
Ex: This legislation marks another step forward.
8. Pursue (verb) (आगे बढ़ाने)–follow or chase (someone or something)
Synonyms – haunt, badger
Antonyms – retreat, eschew
Ex: I am simply curious at what cost you are willing to pursue your goal.
Word of the Day
Meaning (English) – a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government
Meaning (Hindi) – तख्तापलट
Synonyms – revolution, stratagem
Example – Winning a medal at the Olympics was a real coup for the skinny, fifty year old man.
उदाहरण – उन दुबले पचास वर्षीय व्यक्ति के लिए ओलंपिक खेलों में पदक जीतना वास्तव में एक अप्रत्याशित सफलता थी।
United India Insurance Company Ltd (UIIC) has declared final results for the post of Administrative Officer (Medical (Scale-I)-2016). Selected candidates have to attend for medical examination & can check the result from the link given below:
Check your result from below link –
Click here for to see the list of selected candidates
Team GradeUp!!
]]> 16 Thu, 22 Sep 2016 15:30:48 +0000 As you know Computer is a very important section to get a good score for Bank. Thus, we are sharing with you Computer questions for your better preparation which is very important and you can expect similar questions in the exam.Gradeup has launched IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of 21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.
]]> 77 Thu, 22 Sep 2016 14:30:30 +0000 As you know Current Affairs is a very important section to get a good score for Bank and other Exams. Thus, we are sharing with you Current Affairs and G.K. questions for your better preparation which is very important and you can expect similar questions in the exam.Gradeup has launched IBPS PO Prelims 2016 Online Mock test Series consisting of 21 full-length online tests for you to score better in upcoming IBPS PO Prelims Online Exam. The Test Pack consists of 21 High Quality Practice Tests based on latest pattern for you to ace your exam. Where the first test is completely free and entire package can be purchased for only Rs. 395/-.
]]> 54 Thu, 22 Sep 2016 13:21:18 +0000 Dear Readers,Here we are with our 11th session of our Roots of English hope this will help you with your English language preparation.
English language is made up of four parts
Now if you learn these roots you can figure out the meaning of hundreds of English language words without even knowing their exact meaning.
The first question arises here is what is a root?
A root is the part of the word which gives instructions to a word. Now how many parts is a word made of?
A word is made up of three parts.
For ex– subtracted
Sub (prefix) ——–tract (root) ———-ed (suffix)
Note: PREFIX—a word, letter or number placed before another.
SUFFIX—a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
Consider FUG as a ROOT means drive away, flee, fly, run away, cheat
Now with the help of this one root you can come out with conclusion of several other English words. Such as,
subterfuge —— deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal
refuge –— a place or situation providing safety or shelter who ran away
febrifugal —– Mitigating or removing fever
centrifuge —– subject to the action that applies centrifugal force
febrifuge —– A medicine adapted to drive away or to reduce fever
fumifugist —- A person who, or something that, drives smoke or fumes away
insectifuge –— A substance or preparation for driving off or repelling insects
fugue —-
fugacious —-
fugitive —-
ROOT —- FA or FESS means speak, quality, character
Now words we can guess of are –
CONFABULATION —- the act of having a conversation or a discussion.
INEFFABLE — incapable of being expressed in words.
INFAMY —– shameful or criminal conduct or character
DEFAME —- to attack someone or someone’s reputation, character, or good name by making slanderous or libelous statements.
FESSED —– confess, own up.
FABLE —- a short story, typically with animals as characters, conveying a moral/ tell fictitious tales.
CONFESS —- declare, admit that one has committed a crime or done something wrong.
FABULOUS —- extraordinary (quality), especially extraordinarily large.
FAME —- the state of being known by many people, quality.
FAMOUS —- known about by many people, Fame.
PROFESS —- claim, often falsely, that one has (a quality or feeling).
I hope this session will help you with your English Language Preparation.We will come back soon with our next session.
Team GradeUp..!!
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