Reasoning Quiz For RRB Exams

September 13, 2016    

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

In a certain code language ‘please don’t go there’ is written as ‘ti pa ka sa’,’this is beautiful home’ is written as ‘fi ra la ha’, ‘please come at home’ is written as ‘sa na jo la’, and ‘there is party at home’ is written as ‘zi na la ra ti’.

1).What is the code for ‘home’?
a) la
b) ha
c) ra
d) ti
e) None of these

2).’Party is beautiful’ will be coded as
a) Zi ra fi
b) Ra ha zi
c) Na zi fi
d) Either 1) or 2)
e) None of these

3).How is ‘go‘ written in that code language?
a) ti
b) sa
c) pa
d) ka
e) Either pa or ka

4).Which of the following will be coded as ‘ti ra la’ in the given code language?
a) Come at home
b) There is home
c) This is home
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these

5).What does ‘fi’ stand for?
a) this
b) beautiful
c) party
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these

Directions (6-10):In a certain code language some words are written in coded form which are given below:

‘Intel Inside End Shift’ is written as ‘ch la pa ta’
‘Noon Shift Inside Take’ is written as ‘ma da la ch’
‘Take Inside not Good’ is written as ‘ch na ka ma’
‘End Good Noon Shake’ is written as ‘ka da ga pa’

6).How will ‘Shift’ be written in that code language?
a) ma
b) ta
c) ch
d) pa
e) la

7).What will be the code for ‘Noon’ in that code language?
a) ta
b) da
c) ma
d) ch
e) None of these

8).What will be code for ‘inside’ in that code language?
a) la
b) ma
c) ch
d) ta
e) None of these

9).What will be code for ‘Intel’ in that code language?
a) ma
b) ta
c) ch
d) pa
e) None of these

10).What will be code for ‘shake’ in that code language?
a) da
b) pa
c) ma
d) ga
e) None of these

1). a)
2). d)
3). e)
4). b)
5). d)
6). e)
7). b)
8). c)
9). b)
10). d)

Reasoning Quiz For RRB Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 13, 2016 Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: In a certain code language ‘please don...

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