Quant test for IBPS PO - Part 20

September 22, 2016    


Ques 1.

If 3 toys are sold at the cost prince 4 toys of the same type, then find the percentage profit.
  1. 25%
  2. 33 ½
  3. 66 2/3%
  4. 50%

Ques 2.

A, B and C hires a grassland to graze their oxen. A grass 10 oxen till 7 months, B grazes 12 oxen till 5 months while C grazes 15 oxen till 3 months. If the rent of the grassland is rs 175, then what rent will C pay?
  1. Rs 45
  2. Rs 50
  3. Rs 55
  4. RS 60

Ques 3.

Three different vessels contain 12, 15 and 20 litre mixtures of water and alcohol. If their ratio in the containers are 2 : 1, 3 : 2 and 7: 3 respectively and if they are mixed and alcohol in the new mixture?
  1. 31 : 16
  2. 16 : 31
  3. 19 : 17
  4. 17 : 19

Ques 4.

64 persons can dig a canal 3 km long in 81 days. After 27 days of the beginning of work how many more persons will be deployed to complete the remaining work in 36 days?
  1. 36
  2. 32
  3. 28
  4. 30

Ques 5.

A, B and C separately take 20, 30 and 60 days respectively to finish a work. A stars working and is assisted by both B and C on every third day. In how days whole work will be completed?
  1. 12
  2. 15
  3. 18
  4. 20

Ques 6.

There is a hole in the bottom of a tank that can empty it in 48 hours. A tap of a tank at the rate of 12 litre per hour. On opening this tap the tank is emptied in 64 hours. What is the capacity of the tank?
  1. 2104 litre
  2. 2680 litre
  3. 24020 litre
  4. 2304 litre

Ques 7.

The government constituted a committee of 8 members and two persons of 45 years and 50 years are replaced by two women and thus the average age of the members is reduced by 3.5 years. What is the average age of two women ?
  1. 35 years
  2. 33 ½ years
  3. 34 ½ years
  4. 34 years

Ques 8.

Suresh covers 600 km distance from his house. If he travels 120 km by train and the remaining distance by bus, it takes him 8 hours. If he travels 200 km by train and the remaining distance by car, it takes him 20 minutes more. What is the speed of the car ( in m/ hr)?
  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 60
  4. 80

Ques 9.

The speed of the stream in a river is 2 km / hr. A boat covers 60 km distance and returns back and it takes the boat 12 ½ hours in total. The speed of the boat (in km / hr) in still water is-
  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 10           



      cp of 1 toy = rs x
      cp of 4 toys = rs 4x
      cp of 3 toys = rs 3x



alcohol : water = 16 : 31


64 (81-27) = m2
number of extra persons = 96 - 64 = 32


part of the work finished in first three days


Suppose the tap takes x hours to fill the tank




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Quant test for IBPS PO - Part 20 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 22, 2016 Ques 1. If 3 toys are sold at the cost prince 4 toys of the same type, then find the percentage profit. 25% 33 ½ 66 2/3% 50% Q...

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