One Word Substitution for SSC

September 12, 2016    

Dear Readers, We are presenting important One Word Substitution asked in previous exams of SSC.

1) A cure for all disease- Panacea.
2) A person working in the same place with another – colleague.
3) One who draws maps – Cartographer.
4) Ability to read and write – Literacy.
5) Without making any payment – Gratis.
6) Incapable of being seen through – Opaque.
7) That which is perceptible by touch – Tangible.
8) One who is in charge of a museum – Curator.
9) One who loves book – Bibliophile.

10) One who copies from other writers – Plagiarist.
11) That which cannot be avoided – Inevitable.
12) One who questions everything – Cynic.
13) One who is unmarried – Celibate.
14) A game in which no one wins – Draw.
15) The study of derivation of words – Etymology.
16) A thing no longer in use – Obsolete.
17) One who is greedy for money – A Veracious.
18) Highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire – Alluring.
19) Money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage – Dowry.
20) A person with the same name as another – Namesake.
21) An act of mass destruction and loss of life – Holocaust.
22) The right and power to interpret and apply the law – Jurisdiction.
23) The study or activity of growing garden plants – Horticulture.
24) Someone who enjoys or is good at talking with people – Conversationalist.
25) Someone who attempts to be united with GOD through prayer – Saint.
26) Very confident in behavior, or intended to be noticed, especially by being brightly colored – Flamboyant.
27) The tailoring of globally produced products to make them suitable to local tastes and needs – Localization.
28) Systematic killing of a racial or cultural group – Genocide.
29) A mournful poem written on the death of someone loved and lost – Elegy.
30) Longing for something past – Nostalgia.
31) An inclination to do kind or charitable acts – Benevolence.
32) Commencement of words with the same letter – Alliteration.
33) Anything written in a letter after it is signed – Postscript.
34) A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good – Hedonist.
35) Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted – Heresy.
36) Medicine which lessen pain – Anodyne.
37) Decision that cannot be taken back – Irrevocable.
38) A place where money is coined – Mint.
39) The study of mankind – Anthropology.
40) Having superior or intellectual interest and tastes – Elite.
41) A love of mankind- Altruist
42)One who unable to pay- bankrupt
43)a person who blindly devoted to an idea- Chauvinist
44)a critical judge of any art and craft- connoisseur
45)not serious in arts,science and literature-Dilettante
46)One who runs away from justice- Fugitive
47)a person who come to country from his own country-Immigrant
48)One too strong to be defeated-invincible
49)One who brilliant performer on the stage- Virtuoso
50)A lover of good food-Gourmet

One Word Substitution for SSC 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 12, 2016 Dear Readers, We are presenting important One Word Substitution asked in previous exams of SSC. 1) A cure for all disease- Panacea . 2) A...

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